Parents are dumb

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Your pov

I woke up to the lingering scent of vanilla incense and the phone ringing very loudly. I opened my eyes and realized I was inside, how the hell did we get on the couch? 

I tried to get up, but Ryan was on top of me, "Ryan..." I whispered, he groaned, "Ryan, I need you to move..." He groaned and moved. I set my feet on the cold hardwood floor and made my way to the loud phone. Ryan fell right back asleep once he hit the couch again.

"Hello?" My voice was very groggy. Why the hell am I so cold?

"Y/n! Sweetheart, we're at a rest stop right now, but we should be there in about an hour or so." Wait, what?

"Mom, what are you talking about?" I put a hand to my forehead.

"We're coming over this weekend! We discussed this." Oh shit! I totally forgot!  

I looked down to see I was wearing nothing but one of Ryan's shirts. Oh my god! Did we? Yeah we definitely... And my parents!? They'll be here in an hour! Shit! What are we gonna do!?

"Oh! Uh, okay," I gave her the address of the apartment and said goodbye before hanging up. I ran over to Ryan and shook him awake.

"Ryan! Get up! My parents are gonna be here in an hour!" That was when I realized what he was wearing. Nothing but his boxers. Aww he actually looks adorable like tha- no time to think like that! Parents!

"Alright, alright..." He sat up and got a good look at me, "Isn't that my shirt?" He chuckled, "You look so adorable," he smiled but shivered, "Geez why am I so-" he looked down and laughed. 

As he brought his head back up his face turned pink and he wouldn't quit smiling, "We should uh get changed...changed for your uh...your parents..."

"Yeah...yeah..." He got up, but before walking to the bedroom, he took my hand and slowly spun me around.

"I love it when you wear my clothes, you're just so cute." he said, happily.

"Yeah? Maybe I'll wear them more often then," I laughed. He gave me a short kiss and led me into the bedroom. We changed and quickly cleaned the apartment to the best of our ability. What if they don't like him? They liked Pete so much... what will they have to say about Ryan? They'll love him... I hope... 

There was a knock at the door, Ryan and I both turned our heads. We both went to the door, I held Ryan's hand tight, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Y/n! Hi sweetheart! We've missed you!" My mom said, letting herself in and hugging me. My dad did the same, "And who is this?"

"Mom, dad, this is Ryan. My boyfriend." I explained.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." He ever so politely said and held a hand out for my mom to shake.

"Oh, no need for that! You get a hug!" She hugged him tight, he looked absolutely terrified. She pulled away and Ryan shook my dad's hand, everything was going smoothly. For now. "Wow, this place is so tiny compared to Pete's! His place was so big, it was crazy! But this is cute too." Oh shit! This isn't going to go well!

"Uh, thanks?" Ryan stood next to me and took my hand again. I could tell he was tense.

"Now, where will we be sleeping?" My dad asked.

"Um, you can take the bedroom. Ryan and I can take the couch-"

"Oh please, this place is way too small for us. Y'know, Pete had a huge guest room just for us. He was the sweetest; I think we'll just get a hotel. So, what do we have planned for the day?" My mom very rudely said.

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