Nothing Matters but You

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Ryan's pov, the morning after the first show

I woke up to see Z, her head still rested on my shoulder, and asleep. She actually looks kinda cute aslee- oh no no no, this is not happening again, I can't let that happen...

"Morning, Ryro." Z had awoken and was smirking up at me.

"Morning, Z." God damn I hate her, why does she have to be here? Just her existence makes me sick, I take back my thought from earlier, fuckin witch... 

We pulled up to the venue, just as everyone had woken up.

"Ryan, since we have a few hours, why don't we go out and walk around for a bit. Get some breakfast as well?"

"Sure Z, why not." I put on a fake smile, this is not going to end well, but I can't let her cause a scene... that's what she wants... 

We got out and stretched before Z grabbed my wrist, practically dragging me out of the parking lot.

"Come on! I wanna see the town! I'm hungry I want breakfast!" She whined, she's such a fuckin child...

"Okay! Just, let go of me and we can get some food." She let go and pouted, since she couldn't hold onto me. Her and Brendon would be absolutely great together! They're both actual children, now I'd pay to see that mess... 

I chuckled at the thought, luckily, Z was to occupied looking at the restaurants to notice.

"Let's go here!" She ran inside before I could answer her. I just want to go home and see Y/n... 

I walked in, joining Z at the booth she was at. The waitress came over and Z probably ordered the most expensive item on the menu, "Oh Ryan, I left my wallet back at the venue. Is it okay if you pay? Please." I rolled my eyes as she got up and sat down next to me, getting as close as possible, just like it was in the van.

"Yeah, sure." I sighed, in annoyance.

"Aww, thanks babe." She snuggled her face into my arm. I want to get out of here so bad... 

We ate as she tried to get me to show any type of affection her way, which I didn't give into, at all. We finished eating and got the check, damn it Z, why'd she have to order the most expensive thing? I can barely afford this...

"Ryyyannnn? Can we go shopppping?" She asked.

"No, you don't have any money. I don't have much money, that I'm definitely not spending on you, and I want to get back to the venue and help set up." I got up, and walked out. Leaving her in there, angry.

"Ryan! I know you wanna hang out with me, maybe even do a little more. Just say the words and I'm all yours, baby." She ran out after me. What the fuck? Just hours ago, she was screaming at me and now she wants to get in my pants? I don't think so...

"No, I have a girlfriend!"

"So what? I have a boyfriend! She's not even here! She won't know about it!" She had finally caught up to me, "Unless you tell her, of course, but you don't have to do that."

"I'm not doing anything with you, Z! I love my girl very much, I'm not throwing that away just for you!" I yelled.

"Oh cut it with the whole 'girlfriend act'! We all know you're gay! Fucking fag!" She pushed me, "Why don't you go run back to Brendon already! We all know you're perfect for each other!" Fuck, I can't do this anymore!

"I hate you! I hate you so much! I can't believe I ever went out with someone so insane and psychotic as you! You witch! I never wanted to do this stupid tour! I just wanna go home!" I yelled, bawling my hands into fists, "I just wanna see my girl!" 

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