Baby Doll

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Your pov

Ryan and I began to get ready for dinner. My parents wanted to go somewhere somewhat fancy, so we agreed on a nice Italian restaurant that wasn't too expensive. I wore a nice black long sleeve dress shirt with a long black skirt while Ryan wore a brown leather jacket with a white dress shirt and green tie along with black dress pants.

"You look so handsome, love," I truthfully told him.

"Yeah? Well, you look pretty lovely yourself," he said as we began walking out of the apartment and to the bug. We got into the car, immediately having to turn down the volume of the radio from earlier. We mostly drove in silence, but I kept my fingers intertwined with Ryan's free hand. We got to the place and Ryan hesitated before getting out.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked, eyeing the restaurant as we still sat in the car.

"Nope," was all he said, before climbing out of the car and helping me out as well. He held my hand tightly as we walked inside. I instantly spotted my parents in a booth, chatting away.

"How many?" A waitress asked.

"Oh, we're with them," I said, pointing to my parents.

"Okay, come this way then," the waitress led us to my parents and walked off.

"Hey! What took you so long? The cab dropped us off ten minutes ago! You should probably get a new car, it's so small. You know, your dad and I don't even take our car when we come down here. We just take a cab. You should-"

"Pete bought that car for me." I dead panned, opening the menu.

"Oh, but it runs so well, Pete is such a sweetheart! I wonder what he's doing right now." She said. What!? 

"How nice would it be if we saw him?" Before I knew it, Pete was standing right next to me. I held onto Ryan's hand as if it was the only thing keeping me alive.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, panic filled my voice.

"Oh hey Y/n, I didn't see you there." I rolled my eyes, "I'm here to have some fun." I looked to Ryan, terrified. He shrugged, looking just as horrified as I.

"You need to leave." I sternly stated to Pete.

"Leave? But I just got here, baby doll." He winked, I just sent him a face of disgust. He slid into the booth, sitting right next to me and basically squishing Ryan into the wall.

"Look man, I don't know what your deal is bu-" Ryan began.

"Oh I'm not here to start anything. Not with you, at least." He smirked and chuckled, eyeing me up and down, "Ryan, why are you even here? Does Y/n even like you? I mean, look at you, compared to me! What sane person trades a handsome rich charismatic guy like myself, for a no good broke musician who can barely afford to buy food? Am I right?" My parents were having so much fun with this.

"That's what I told her! If she just got back with you, everything would be fine! Ryan is just holding her back!" My mom dramatically said, "Don't you agree that she would be better off with you?" That was when I really began to freak out. My breathing got heavy and my hands began to shake. On top of it all, I began to bite my lip to the point that it began to bleed a bit.

"Darling, are you alright?" Ryan asked, concerned. No one else seemed to hear him, or acknowledge him at that. I felt like I was about to break down right then and there. I just nodded, "Are you sure, love? You don't look too well." I nodded once again, "Okay..." I'm not okay, Ryan! I want to say that but my parents are right there! I just want to go home and cuddle on the couch with you! I need to breathe...

"I'm g-gonna use the restroom, s'cuse me, Pete," I said. Luckily, he let me out without a fuss.

"I'm gonna go as well," Ryan followed me out and we stood in front of the bathroom doors, not actually going in. At this point, I was on the brink of tears.

"Ryan, this is awful. I hate this so much. I..." The tears started to run down. He immediately brought me into a tight hug and softly told me things like 'it's going to be okay' and 'we'll get through this'. What would I do without him? 

"Thank you love," I choked out.

"Everything will be okay, we can fight through this. You don't deserve any of this shit."

"You don't deserve it either, baby," I smiled through the tears as my gaze met his.

"What the hell did you do to her!?" We both turned to find Pete standing there, in a furry. He pulled Ryan off of me.

"What did I do!? You're the one that messed up! You're the one that cheated on her and made her life hell!" He yelled back, "Why are you even here!?"

"I'm here to kick ass and take my woman back!" Pete yelled.

"Your woman!? If I'm 'your woman' then why the hell did you cheat on me, huh? I can't believe I genuinely thought you cared about me!"

"I do care, baby doll! I was drunk, I wasn't thinking straight!" He slowly walked over and brought his arms around me, "Why don't you just forgive and forget. Pretend this never happened and go back to the way we were? We both know you're only with Ryan to get back at me, just give it up already." He said. I pushed him off and stood by Ryan.

"I would never do that! I love Ryan more than anything! I'm not getting back with you no matter what! You pig!" I felt tears forming once again, "Lets get out of here-" and then Pete's fist collided with Ryan's face. He stood up and got ready to throw hands. Ah shit, here we go again...

"You really wanna get knocked down again, Pete?" Ryan smirked.

"Imma beat the shit outta you!" Pete practically charged Ryan into a near by table.

"Ryan! Oh my god!" I ran over. My parents had gotten up and joined us.

"I'm fine darling, really," he wheezed and stood up, "Is that all you got?" And punched him in the stomach. The entire restaurant was crowding them. Seeing this caused the tears to finally fall again. I covered my face with my hands, but watched from inbetween my fingers.

"What the hell is going on!? Is Pete okay?" My mom asked while nobody answered. Ryan had punched him again and Pete ended up on the floor, but got up almost immediately.

"This one's for you, baby girl," Pete winked as he threw a fist at Ryan. I wanted to get in the middle of them so bad, but considering what happened to Gerard last time, I decided against it. That's when it dawned on me, they're fighting over me... what the fuck!? Does Pete not understand that no matter what I'll be with Ryan? Or does he just really want to get beaten by my boyfriend?

Ryan hit Pete hard in the throat just as I began to hear police sirens. We gotta get outta here...

"Ryan!" Pete was wailing on him. I did all I could to push him off, "Get off of him!" I sobbed. Finally, a police man pulled Pete off of him and I helped Ryan up, he almost immediately fell into my arms, "Love, are you okay?" I held his cheek in one hand, his face, stained with blood and tears.

"I... I don't know I-" a policeman walked over, aggressively putting a hand on Ryan's shoulder, pulling him away.

"Ryan, wait!" Another one came to me, trying to pull me from him. Our fingers still intertwined.

"Y/n! Darling, please, no!" He sobbed. They were practically tearing us apart, until finally our fingers barely touched and I was pulled from him entirely.

"Ryan!" I screamed, I was dragged out of the restaurant and thrown into the back of a cop car. This is awful! My love, I hope he's okay, I hope they don't hurt him... 

Every bad thing that could possibly happen to Ryan played through my mind over and over again, like an endless nightmare. As the officer finally got into the drivers seat, I sobbed in the back as he drove off.

Can we get an F in the chat for Ryan. I almost cried writing this part ahhh. I always feel bad putting them in bad situations. Have a wicked day~peace out cheesebags

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