You Love Pete

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After our hands broke apart, I felt someone's hand grab the side of my waist and pull me into them. I looked over and it was Pete.

"Ryan Ross, haven't seen you since high school. Looks like you haven't changed a bit, still trying to make it in the music industry. After all this time? Really?" Pete said with a smirk on his face, I hate that smirk, I already know what's going to go down...

"Uhh yeah..." He looked kind of confused.

"Well, do you know what I've been doing these past four years?" He started to get closer to Ryan, dragging me beside him.

"Uhh, don't you run this joint?" Ryan asked, as if he already knew the answer.

"Yeah I do, for the past four years I've actually been doing something, whereas you, well it looks as if you really haven't changed a bit." Pete grind, he loves pointing out how much better he is than everyone, oh Ryan, I'm so sorry...

"Why have you even kept up with it? Is it the money? Oh wait, you don't make any!" Pete laughed a bit at this.

"Pete, cut it out already! He clearly gets it." I said, taking his hand off my waist. Ryan sent a small smile at me, not sure what to do at this point.

Pete grabbed my waist again and brought his lips towards my ear, he whispered softly, "Are you ready for our dance baby?" I don't even know if I want to dance with him at this point... This is my only chance to...

Pete held his hand out for me to grab, before grabbing it I looked around a bit, Ryan left that's probably good... 

Right as I grabbed his hand a slow song started to play. I wrapped my arms around his neck with his around my waist. I hope Ryan's okay, oh his eyes where so pretty and his adorable hair...what the fuck is wrong with me!? I'm dancing with the love of my life and I'm thinking about a guy I just met, why!?

"Hey babe, we're going to head out after this dance, alright?" Pete's voice snapped me back into reality.

"Am I not meeting the client then?" I asked.

"Oh no, not this time babe."

"Then, what was the point in wearing the dress?" I looked at him, confused. He smirked.

"Oh that was for me." I rolled my eyes at him.

Time skip to around midnight

Pete and I were laying in his super sized bed. I had my head buried in his shirtless chest while his arms were around me and his chin rested on top of my head.

"Pete?" I whispered, not sure if he was awake.

"Yeah, honey?" he replied.

"Why do you always have to make people feel bad just so you can feel good about yourself?" I asked, hesitating if I should go through with it.

"Because sweetheart, it's fun. They can't have what I have, it's great!" Pete said, kind of sleepily.

"Alright then." I didn't really want to start a fight with him in the middle of the night. After a few minutes, my eyelids started to get heavy and I allowed the sleep to come over me.

I started to dream. I dreamt about Ryan. By morning he was all I could remember from my dreams. Pete sleeps right there, what the hell is wrong with me!?

It was around nine am when I decided to get up. Pete's already gone. It's Saturday, why does he have to work Saturdays? 

I got dressed, I put on my high waisted bell bottoms, paired with my beatles tee, and some black converse. I did my hair how I do it everyday and decided on no makeup for today. I finished getting ready and headed out the door.

I headed out the building and went to the grocery store. I decided to walk since its just around the corner. What do we need eggs, milk, cheese... 

My thoughts where cut off by someone singing in the distance.

"Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies..." It's Ryan... 

I headed over to where I heard his voice after searching for a few seconds, I finally found him, "Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Lucy in the sky with diamonds..." his voice is so pretty...

"Follow her down to a bridge by the fountain, where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies..."

He finished his song and I pushed my way through the small crowd starting to clear out, "Ryan?" I asked, as he was putting his guitar away. He looked up at me.

"Oh hey, Y/n, right?" He smiled at me as he slung his guitar case over his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're really good." I told him, smiling back.

"Oh yeah? Thanks, wait... is Pete here?" He looked around as if Pete was going to jump him any second. I laughed a little.

"No, it's just me, I hope that's alright." I said starting to play with my fingers.

"Yeah, it's cooler actually." He started to smile at me again.

He's so cute oh my god, no stop Pete! You love Pete! 

I smiled back at him as if I'm not internally screaming at myself. "Do you want to walk with me? I'm just walking to the grocery store to pick up a few things." I say, still mentally screaming at myself. His smile grew and he nodded in agreement. You dummy  now you are bound to fall for him, what the hell is wrong with me!? I guess there's no going back now ughhh... Pete will be pissed if he finds out about this...

"Are you okay?" Ryan's voice brought me back out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind." I smiled and we started walking and talking.

Hey guys I hope you like this part, I'm going to try uploading a couple times a week also i am in Disneyland rn and I got a yoda that wraps around my arm, he is my bby now ~peace out cheese bags

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