Do You Want To Know A Secret

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Mikey looked up and we made eye contact, causing him to look down and blush like crazy. I decided to ignore it and join the conversation again, "Oh yeah that fight was crazy." I heard Ray tell Ryan.

"Yeah, I mean I beat up my own boss and he still let me keep my job. That just shows how much Pete is scared of me." He said, confidently.

"Oh whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What?" He asked, taking a sip of beer.

"We both know he only let you keep your job because the crowd goes ham every time you perform." I said, taking a sip as well.

"Well maybe it's for both reasons." Gee said.

"But yeah, the crowd goes wild when you perform, it's crazy. I don't see many performers that can do that to a crowd. Unless they're crazy famous of course." Ray said looking at Ryan.

"I'm definitely not crazy famous..."  Ryan laughed and I looked back over at Mikey. He's still staring... Not at my chest though... I think he's staring at my lips...

"Earth to Mikey?" Gerard's voice brought me back out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh, yeah?" Mikey asked, looking up at his brother.

"What if we started a band? Mikey bass, Ray guitar, Bob can play drums, I'm pretty sure Frank can play guitar as well, and I can do vocals?" Gerard asked looking at his friends.

"You know that sounds like a great idea, I mean, why not? " Ray asked taking another sip of beer.

"And Ryan, you could totally be in it too." Gerard said, with a smile.

"Uhh... as much fun as it sounds, I don't really do bands... I prefer to go solo." Ryan said, drinking the last of his beer.

"Oh, that's alright. Maybe we'll end up performing together." Gerard said, taking his last sip of beer as well. We kept talking about nonsense and things until it started to get dark.

"Hey, why don't you all just stay for dinner? It's already getting pretty late." Gerard said drying off.

I looked at Ryan, he nodded, "Yeah, sounds great." I told Gee slipping into my cover.

"I think dinner is already ready." Gerard led us into the dinning room. On the table where two homemade pizzas. I sat next to Ryan while Mikey was across from me and Ray across from Ryan, Gee sat at the head of the table.

We ate in silence, not an awkward silence, more like a comfortable silence. We finished eating, Ryan and I said our goodbyes, and left. "You know Gerard's brother, Mikey, was staring at me the whole time..." I told Ryan as he drove.

"Wait, really? You could've told me, I would've beat the shit out of him." He glanced over at me.

"Yeah, I didn't really want you to, Gerard told me Mikey has a bit of a crush on me. I don't really see the reason to beat him up over that." I told him, honestly.

"What if he makes a move on you?" He asked kind of sternly.

"Then I'll handle it, babe." He nodded. We made it home and I went to take a shower.

I finished and put on comfy clothes. Ryan took a quick shower and put on comfy clothes as well. He handed me a beer from the fridge and he had one in his hand as well. We leaned against the railing on the balcony and looked at the stars.

"I'm gonna go get something, I'll be back." Ryan said, walking back inside. Seconds later, he was back out with his guitar in his hand. He set his beer on the floor and he sat on the railing with his legs hanging on the inside of the balcony. I did the same. He began to play and then sing.

"You'll never know how much I really love
You'll never know how much I really care

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Woah-oh-oh, closer
Let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear
I'm in love with you, ooh

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Woah-oh-oh, closer
Let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear
I'm in love with you, ooh

I've known a secret for a week or two
Nobody knows, just we two

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Whoa-oh-oh, closer
Let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear
I'm in love with you, ooh, ooh, ooh"

When he finished I leaned in and kissed him passionately. After a few seconds, I broke the kiss and smiled, "I love you too, Ryan." 

He smiled and leaned back into the kiss. After a few more seconds, I heard someone trying to talk to us on the ground, I decided to ignore it but then it became yelling. Ryan must've heard it too because he broke the kiss and looked down, so did I.

"Hey whore, get off my man!" What the fuck?

I looked over at Ryan and his eyes went wide, "Oh god, it's Brendon." He looked terrified.

"Ryan, get some here baby!" Brendon screamed.

"Um, what the hell?"

"We should probably get inside, he'll start throwing things soon..." He grabbed my hand and we ran inside. Ryan checked that the front door was locked.

"Why is he here, and what do you mean? Has he done this before?" I asked, still confused as hell.

"When I first broke up with him he would do shit like this to get me to come down and I have no idea, honestly." He said looking out the window by the balcony. All I could here was muffled yelling, it went on for a few minutes until it suddenly stopped and we heard someone banging their fist on the door.

"Ryro, just let me in, okay? I know you still want me." Ryan was sitting on the couch, freaking out.

I sat down next to him as his hands began to shake. I could see tears begin to form. I hugged him and whispered, "Shhh shhh it's going to be all right..." Just as he had done for me, almost a week ago.

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