Breakfast Bummer

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Chapter 7: Breakfast Bummer
(A.K.A. Killing any chance of SonSal, or am I?)
Next Morning
Sonic had woke up early and decided to get Amy some breakfast from a nearby restaurant. He left a note just in case she woke up before he returned. He headed out to the nearest place, but upon arrival was stuck in a 4 person line.
"Damn." He cursed under his breath.
Then, someone tapped him from behind. He turned around and gasped.
"Sal?" He blinked.
"Hey, Sonic, long time no see." She hugged him, making Sonic fear that Amy was watching.
"You, too. What are you doing here?" Sonic asked.
The line shrunk to 3.
"Oh, just in town." Sally answered.
"Yeah, right, Sal, spill the beans. Why are you really here?" Sonic narrowed his eyes.
"I came here to find you."
The line shrunk to 2.
"What for?"
"To get back with you."
"Sorry, Sal, but I'm taken, and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't get back with you."
The line was down to one person.
"You sound just like Mighty. I visited him last night, and he told me you were married! Can you believe him?"
"He wasn't lying, Sally. I am married." Sonic told her as he placed his order. He stepped aside afterwards, in which Sally followed suit.
"Sonic the Hedgehog, married? That's a good one." Sally giggled until she noticed a ring on Sonic's finger.
"Oh my Chaos! Y-you really ARE married." She gasped, horrified.
"I told you." Sonic replied, annoyed.
"To who?"
"That pink rat? How the fuck could you marry her? I bet she forced you! That stupid little bitch, I'll kill her!" Sally raged.
Sonic suddenly snapped. He grabbed Sally and pinned her against the wall in front of everyone.
"Let's get one thing straight here, Sally. You won't DARE lay a finger on my wife! You won't get near her, because if you try to hurt her in any way, well, you know what will happen." Sonic exclaimed before he released her.
"You broke my heart, Sally. It hurt me, but I got over it, I got over you, and I'm happy with Amy. She's wonderful, sweet, and not a control freak like you." Sonic explained.
The cashier arrived with Sonic's order.
"That'll be 20 rings, sir."
Sonic payed, then looked at Sally.
"Leave, Sally. There's nothing left between us, but I'm willing to still be friends. Now if you'll excuse me, my wife is probably awake, so I need to get back."
Sonic then acknowledged the on standing people.
"I would like to apologize for my actions. I'm leaving now so everything will be ok now." Sonic said, then walked out.

Chapter 3 of 8

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