Unlikely Hero

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Chapter 11: Unlikely Hero
(A.K.A. Somehow Mighty isn't murdered by Amy)
A Few Hours Later
Hours passed.
Amy was still tied to the chair. She had tried to get free, but it was no use.
Boy, that line sounds familiar!
She also took the time to shame herself for enjoying Sally's sex with her.
"Mmph!" Amy tried calling through her gag, but as with the numerous previous attempts, it was useless.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Mmph!" Amy screamed under her gag.
"Hello? Sonic? Amy, you there? It's me, Mighty, along with Ray. I need to talk to you." Mighty said.
Amy struggled in her bonds.
"Mmph, mph, mmnn!" She screamed under her gag again.
"They're probably out. Let's go, Ray."
Mighty and Ray began to leave.
Amy, with impeccable timing, managed to undo the rag that was gagging her.
"Mighty, help!" She yelled.
Might and Ray ran back to the door.
"Mighty, I'm tied up! Please help me!" Amy cried.
"Hold on! Ray, get help. I'll see to Amy." Mighty commanded.
Ray nodded and ran off.

Mighty knocked the door down with one punch.
"Amy, what happened?" He asked as he untied her.
"Sally kidnapped Sonic, and.... and... she raped me!" Amy began to sob uncontrollably.
"Oh, Chaos, what have I done?" Mighty said in disbelief.
He was responsible for all of this. He had told Sally where Sonic and Amy were. He had no idea she would do THIS.
"Amy, this is-"
"Amy, are you ok?"
Ray walked back in with the Chaotix.
"No, not at all." Amy said, putting on a red tank top and a pair of jeans. "Sonic got kidnapped by Sally, and she raped me!" Amy exclaimed.
Mighty and Vector covered Ray and Charmy's ears for the last bit, respectively.
"Also, you three were supposed to be watching Sally! What happened?"
"Well, we saw Sally walking to the hotel, and when we went to see what she was doing, these three guys jumped us and knocked us out." Vector explained, rubbing the back of his head.
"We failed our mission." Espio face palmed.
"This is our fault." Charmy said, sadness in his voice.
"No, guys, it's not your faults, because this is all my fault." Mighty said.
"No, Mighty, it's not." Amy told him.
"No, Amy, it is. You see, I should explain. Sally showed up at our house a few days ago, wondering where Sonic was. I told her that the two of you got married, but she thought I was joking around. Then, I told her you guys were here, but I had no clue she would do this, so all of this is my fault, but I promise I'll make this right, because I'm going to save Sonic." Mighty explained.
Amy put her hand on Mighty's shoulder.
"I don't blame you. You didn't know her motives. We're all going to save Sonic. we just need to find out where she is." Amy told him. "And I know where to go."

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