Glare's Secret

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Chapter 23: Glare's Secret
(A.K.A. An altering of the plot of Violet Rose)
New Mobotropolis, Town Square
Dusk had begun to fall over the city. The streets seemed deserted as Amy chased Glare and Sarah through town.

Glare stopped right by the bridge that led to Castle Acorn.
"This is far enough." He said.
"For what?" Amy asked.
"For you to learn the truth, but first, Nicole!" Glare snapped his fingers.
Nicole appeared.
"Sorry for this, Amy." She said before she used her powers to summon rope to wrap Amy's entire body below her neck.
"What's this for?" Amy asked.
"To keep you in one place." Glare pulled out his roll of tape and put a piece over Amy's lips.
"Mmph?" Amy muffled.
"This is to make sure you don't interrupt. If you have a question, give me a muffled grunt, ok?"
"Mmph." Amy gave a response.
"Good. Nicole, I'll snap when I need you."
"Don't hurt her." Nicole ordered.
"I won't. I don't intend to harm Amy. At least not yet." Glare said the last part in his head.
Nicole nodded and left.
"Now, let's begin, shall we? Amy, remember how I said my wife left me?"
Amy nodded.
"My ex-wife was Amanda, your mother."
Amy's eyes went wide.
"It's true. Your father stole your mother from me. Let me go back even further. Your parents and I went to high school together. We were the best of friends. We even graduated in the same class. We didn't all go to the same college, but we stayed in touch."
"Yes?" Glare pulled the tape off so Amy could speak.
"Then what? How did you and my mom get together?" She asked.
"We're getting there." Glare answered, pressing the tape back over her lips. "A few years after college, me and your mother began to date. We got serious, and before we knew it, we were married. Your dad was my best man. He even got me a job at G.U.N. It was great for a few years. Me and Amanda didn't want kids, so we didn't have any. But, as time grew on, she just drifted farther and farther away from me. Then, that one night, she confronted me. She told me she was leaving me for Robert, and that she was pregnant with you. I told her to leave and never return. She never did. I went into a rage. I vowed my revenge! I watched from afar. Your birth, you growing up, you moving out, you and Sonic getting together, everything!"
Glare took off Amy's gag and snapped his fingers.

Nicole returned, freed Amy, and then left.
"One more question, how did get Sarah?"
Glare had an evil grin.
"I went right in and took her, as well as letting out some of my long pent up anger."
Earlier That Morning, Sonic and Amy's house
Robert and Amanda were finishing up breakfast.
"Robert, Sonic and Amy were supposed to be back last night." Amanda said.
"I'm sure they're fine. They're young, honey. Let them have fun. I'm sure they would of let us know if they needed us." Robert told his wife.
Then, the window in the kitchen shattered, causing Amanda to scream.

Robert ran over to comfort her.
"Amanda, are you ok?"
"Yes, I think so."
A figure stepped through the window. The couple were shocked to see who it was.
"Hello, Robert, Amanda." Glare responded, dusting himself off.
"It's been 19 years!" Amanda said.
"Yes, 19 years in the making, and now is the time for me to seek the revenge I rightly deserve against the two of you after what you both did to me."
Glare began to walk toward the couple.
Robert moved in front of his wife.
"Didn't you get your revenge when you kidnapped our daughter not too long ago?" Robert retorted.
"That doesn't count in my book."
Robert prepared to fight, but as he went to punch, Glare grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed Robert in the stomach region multiple times. The red hedgehog fell to his knees, clutching his wound. Glare wouldn't stop there as he would beat Robert in front of Amanda. When he was finished, Robert was barely conscious.
"Robert!" Amanda sobbed.
"A-amand-da, I-i'll b-be f-fine." He struggled to say.
"Robert Rose, don't die on me!" Amanda cried.
Glare walked past the two hedgehogs, went to the nearby baby seat, and grabbed Sarah.
"Glare, no! Not out granddaughter!"
"Silence, woman! I don't believe in harming children. Your daughter is trying to rescue her husband from a whore princess who got me out of prison for kidnapping her. I'm going to face your daughter once and for all. If you see me again, your daughter is dead!"
Present Time
"You... you beat my father!" Amy yelled. "You left him to die!"
"Yes! Nicole!"
Nicole appeared yet again.
"Look after the child."
Nicole took Sarah.
"You can trust me, Amy." Nicole said before leaving.
"Only one of us can leave this fight, Amelia. For my sake, I'll see you defeated." Glare said.
"For the sake of MY family, I'll see YOU defeated!" Amy exclaimed.

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