Dinner with Sally

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Chapter 16: Dinner with Sally
(A.K.A. So Sonic is ok having dinner with his kidnapper?)
Castle Acorn
Sonic and Sally sat down for dinner. Sonic's feet were tied to his chair.
"Not gonna lie, Sal, these chili dogs are amazing!" Sonic smiled, eating another chili dog.
"Well, the cooks here are pretty good." Sally answered, eating spaghetti.
"I'll say."
'Hmm, he's acting cooler than usual.'  Sally said in her mind. 'I don't know if he's faking it or not. I'll just have to see how this plays out.' "Sonic, dear, after this, do you want to watch a movie or something?" Sally then asked.
"Sure, on one condition."
"No restraints. I promise you I'm not going anywhere, Sal." Sonic smiled at her, making Sally blush.
"Deal, but no running!"
"Deal!" Sonic gave a thumbs-up.
'Holy crap, is he falling for me again?'

All caught up now! Hooray! Also, is Sonic beginning to fall back in love with Sally? We'll have to see!

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