exception for the beauty underneath

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Jennie shuffled through the stacks of papers on Jisoo's desk inside the woman's office in her Manhattan suite. Ever since she came to move in with Jisoo, she had been helping Grace with the household chores, since Junmyeon's executor prohibited her to work outside as long as she's carrying his baby. Despite Jisoo's routinely cold demeanor towards her, Jennie's spirit was particularly up at the thought of her visit to the OB/GYN care just nearby. It would be her first time having an ultrasound, and she would be seeing him, or her. She couldn't wait.

"Jennie, dear!" Grace cried out when Jennie was wiping the desk, both hands occupied with a rag. "You are a visitor, not a maid!" Grace hurried forward, giving her shoulders a gentle shake. "Leave work to me, okay? You are pregnant!"

"It's fine, Grace. Besides, I have nothing to do here." Jennie ran her hand through her hair and was about to clean again when Grace abruptly yanked the rag from her hand. She gave a hearty laugh. "Grace, cleaning will not harm my baby."

"Still, I don't want you being tired and weary at the end of the day. Jisoo is already too much work for you."

Jennie didn't respond. She shifted uncomfortably, recalling the past weeks with Jisoo. Grace noticed her hollow gaze, and cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, dear. Let's get you ready for your ultrasound, yes?"

Jennie's mood turned 180 degrees around and nodded her head excitedly.


"Relax, Jennie." Grace chuckled as the woman kept on chewing her thumb, afraid that Jennie will truly eat it if she won't stop. They were inside the limo, with Mark driving them to the clinic.

"It's just so exciting at the thought of seeing the baby." Jennie's eyes reflected her happiness. She looked out the window of the car dreamily, seeing buildings and new faces pass by. She was never fond of the city, felt that it was suffocating with the crowded atmosphere, which was why she preferred staying in Jisoo's mansion, away from the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps.

"Sí, señorita. The first ultrasound will remain one of the most memorable for the mother." Mark looked at Jennie through the rear-view mirror, his voice finally revealing his thick Spanish accent. "Does la joven señorita have a name in mind?"

Jennie was stroking her belly, which has shown a little bit of a bulge. "Not yet, but you can help me with one once I learn of the gender, sí?"

"Ah, of course. Grace and I will be there for you all the way, señorita."

Mark made a quick turn to the right, stopping in front of a bricked building. "Ladies, we are here."



Christina Boruch was known to be one of the best in her medical field in New York, and Jennie never saw the future of having her as her doctor, given her financial state and capability. Now, she was inside her clinic, simple, but clean and orderly. Though Jisoo held an obvious grudge and hate towards her, Jisoo would never settle for less when it comes to service, which was why she called Dr. Boruch even weeks before Jennie's appointment to be her doctor.

"Hello, Ms. Kim. I am Dr. Boruch, but please, call me Christina." She introduced herself to Jennie, shaking her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you, Dr. Definitely the best in what you do."

"Don't flatter me, I might just fall for it." She joked.

Dr. Boruch requested Jennie to lay on her medical bed, raising her shirt to reveal her small bump. "So you are in your 10th week and right now, we are going to see what your baby looks like."

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