all i want

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"That would be four dollars."

Jisoo handed the payment to the shopkeeper and took the bag of cabbages, handing it to Mark to take to the car. She looked around to catch that streak of blonde luminating under the ample light shared by the sun. That blonde was found in the midst of flowers, but Jisoo was certain she had thought Jennie vanquished the beauty exhibited by the flowers, standing by herself in all the loveliness of a paradise only a woman can possess.

I won't let you fall, unless you'd fall for me.

And Jisoo had said the words with all honesty. She had meant them.

Unbidden, her hand came up to rest on her lips, lips that had almost been bestowed upon the taste of Jennie's own. Jisoo almost laughed when Jennie couldn't take the underlying messages of she had said to her.

And right now, the sight of Jennie everyday made her earnestly beg fate, the heavens, or any almighty being above to give her just one favorable instance that their lips and hearts would have to meet, and by then Jennie would know, that Jisoo felt the movement of the magma beneath her skin, that it progressed with such sincerity and heartfelt emotional exertion.

It was edging towards her heart, or had it already reached the destination it had longed to conquer?

Jisoo just wanted to smack herself silly at how far she was at realizing what she truly felt. But it was clear to her now, it was clear she was moving towards Jennie all along, and Jennie towards her. Though neither had been aware in the beginning, both bathed in their own ignorance, but the universe had held both of them as its comets, travelling in opposite directions around a planet, only to collide at the end of their long journey.

All this time they were travelling towards each other.

She once again shamelessly brought her sight to settle at Jennie, only to find the blonde missing from the shop. At her tiptoes, Jisoo elevated her vision to search for her, her head moving from side to side to find her.

Thwarted in the attempts of seeing the woman, Jisoo was about to wander around the market.

"Excuse me, Miss?"

Jisoo knew that voice all too well. Her lips pulled up into a beam almost automatically. She turned around to face her when her next words were caught in her throat. She glanced down at Jennie. It was the same face, same body she had known, but she was holding a cup of coffee and a purple hyacinth.

Suddenly the waves of her past brought back a faraway memory into the shores of her mind. It was a morning at a cafe in Los Angeles when she was welcomed by the sight of coffee and a flower after she tore her attention away from her book.

Same brewed coffee, same flower.

"Coffee for table number 5?"

And Jisoo realized without warning Jennie was the one who had given her the flower. It was many, many days before they had met.

The nature of the memory was forcing Jisoo's body to quiver and her face to heat up.


Jennie could only smile and look down. "After I ended things with Junmyeon, I found a job at the cafe. I saw you for the first time. When you kissed him, I knew then you were his wife. The flower couldn't fix the whole thing, but I thought maybe it can be a good start."

And for the countless time, the whole thing presented itself into a new, different perspective. Jennie had been fighting from the very start, fighting even when she was hurting her, fighting even when she didn't knew her.

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