let the moon be our witness 🔞

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After a couple more check-ups, Jennie had been finally discharged from the hospital with an assurance of a healthy body. Jisoo would have opted for them to return to the mansion of her parents, but the past few days filled with fear, anger and disappointment made her decide otherwise.

She had asked for a night alone with Jennie, just them both. So she brought her to one of their rest house on the outskirts of the city, where no man nor anything, would come and dare disturb them.

Once they have gotten in the house, they walked in silence inside the master bedroom, and when Jisoo had closed the door behind them, Jennie turned around to fall gallantly into Jisoo's embrace, just like an angel would fall into the refuge of the clouds. Jisoo held her close, so close that personal space was no longer considered a proper decorum.

"I can't lose you the way I almost lost you that day at his garage." Jisoo leads Jennie's head to her heart. "There are no promises in this relationship, but I'll take all the risks for you. In another body, in another mind, in another heart, in another life, I would still choose to love you."

Instead of giving her any verbal response, Jennie stood on her toes as she reached for Jisoo, winding her arms around her neck to bring her lips to meet Jisoo's to ask for their own familiar kiss, a passionate moment of no restraints as their mouths opened and tilted at the right directions to give each other the unsaid messages that only their hearts could tell for them.

They needed and loved each other so.

Without any halt in their kiss, Jennie brought her hands to bring the zipper of Jisoo's hoodie down by her hips, touching her breasts above her brassiere. Jisoo moaned against her mouth, her tongue urgently dancing with Jennie's own. Jennie took her time in admiring the porcelain skin under her caress, slipping her hands down to lightly stroke on the toned abdomen.

Jisoo groaned and slipped her hand underneath Jennie's shirt, taking it off her fast as to not part their lips for long. They smiled against each other as Jisoo gently pushed Jennie down to lay on the bed.

"I love you, Jisoo."

And in moments like this Jisoo would find her own eyes filled with love in the form of tears. She melted under the tender touch of Jennie's hands on her face, moving her thumb about her cheeks but Jisoo's tears.

"You're so beautiful." Jennie leaned forward, offering a soft kiss on each of Jisoo's eyes.

Jisoo hovered over Jennie, helpless in her love's simple touch that had not failed to have her soar through the supernova of all that was Jennie. If this simple touch had brought her to it, then how would the rest of Jennie's touches make her feel? The need had built inside Jisoo like magma that was destined to swim to the Earth's surface to take over its land.

"My Jichu, I love you." Jennie murmured, brushing her lips against Jisoo's cheek to soothe the sobbing woman. Jennie removed her hoodie, tracing her body as a blind woman would do. And Jisoo moved to explore Jennie's face with her kisses that stung with passion on Jennie's lips, forehead, cheeks, nose and heart.

"Let me take your clothes off." Jisoo pleaded between every kiss, speaking against Jennie's skin. "I want to feel you, I want to feel you're never leaving me again."

Though the war had been long over, Jisoo could not help but have a small ounce of fear that someone might threaten to take her Jennie away from her. But as Jennie now lay naked below her, she saw her starry eyes that spoke from out of this Earth. Jennie was hers, and Jisoo would treasure her as long as they both would live.

Jennie stopped Jisoo's lips with a long and heartfelt kiss that assured her troubled mind. Jennie gave her a kiss of pouring sweetness and passion, snatching her from another moment of worry. I'm yours, you're mine. There was no finesse in the kiss, just pure, raw emotions of two lovers who had vowed to exist together. It was an art in itself, the honest and truthful moment between them both.

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