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"Jisoo, dear, could you be so kind to give this to Jennie? I just finished ironing it." Grace poked her head inside Jisoo's home office through the door. Grace had a dress in her hand, the material hanging close to the floor. It was a white floral dress that ended on the knees, one that Jisoo did not remember buying for Jennie. She must have bought it herself, Jisoo thought.

"What for?" Clearly Grace could see giving Jennie the dress was the last thing on her mind. It wasn't even on her mind for fuck's sake. She had papers to sign for the contracts.

"It's her doctor's appointment today."

Jisoo snorted. "Like I give a damn. Why don't you give it to her?" She went back to her papers, signing with a little bit more force with her hand.

"I'm cooking." Like it wasn't so obvious when she was wearing an apron, and the smell of beef steak filled the whole suite.

"So? The food won't burn if you give her the dress yourself. You do realize you're wasting your time prompting me to give the dress to her." Jisoo shook her head, not even considering the idea.

But Grace was as stubborn as her. "Give her the dress or else I won't make chicken for dinner."

Jisoo dropped her pen and squinted her eyes at Grace. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

Jisoo stood from her chair, murmuring bitter words to Jennie and the universe. She snatched the dress from Grace, and when she thought the day could not get worse, Grace had to remind her, "By the way, Joohyun called and told me to remind you that you're coming with them to the clinic."

"Well, shit."

"Shit yourself." Grace went back to the kitchen, laughing to herself.

"Such a woman, laughing at my misery. I'll learn how to make chicken, so I can fire her." Jisoo mumbled while walking to Jennie's room, thinking of another insult to throw at the mistress.

Missed having sex, slut? Nah, she's used that countless of times.

How's the pussy going? Ughh too weak.

Good morning, whoreface! Too mellow.

Looking for a dick for a morning stretch? Hmmm, she could use that.

As she got to Jennie's door, she loudly swung it open, forgetting the courtesy of knocking before entering. Her insult was caught inside her throat when Jennie was nowhere to be found inside the room. Has she gone somewhere? But as she was about to call out to her, the sound of water running soft caught her hearing. The door to the bathroom was slightly ajar, the smell of vanilla spilling across the room. She wrinkled her nose, but weirdly she got use to the smell. Jennie was taking a bath.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Should she? Or should she not?

When the bathroom erupted with silence, Jisoo found her feet taking her near the door, irritated that her body could act so weak against her resolve not to meddle with Jennie's business. She landed in front of the small opening, the light inside the bathroom meeting her eyes at first. She moved her eyes to the side where the full length mirror stood. Jisoo saw her own naked body everyday, but looking at another woman's seemed rather explorative and inviting, because in front of her own eyes was Jennie in her immaculate and innocent form.

Jennie body was covered in a thin sheet of moisture. Her damp hair was gathered in a single group, she was combing it at her side. Jennie seemed to not have noticed Jisoo, so she continued to look. Her breasts were a little bit swollen, and seemed to have gotten a size bigger compared to what Jisoo remembered when they first met. Her belly, any pregnant woman's belly, as Jisoo expected it, was beautiful. It may look heavy and large, but the curve of the stomach indicating the life inside was too precious for anyone. Jennie's skin on the side just above the pelvic bone, was covered in stretch marks, indicating the woman had gained weight for the past five months.

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