as long as you're mine

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Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jennie.

It was the only word she could say and think about as Lay drove towards Suho's mansion. Her Jennie was a strong woman, but she could not unsee the image of having a physically stronger man alone with her, not to mention a man with destructive intentions. Jisoo could not just predict what could happen, but she felt something bad was happening to Jennie, something that could reopen or worse, create, scars on her body.

"Please drive faster." 

The car was going at 120 kilometers per hour, but it felt slow against the quick turns of every second on her watch.

She could not stay still on her seat as she felt the churning of her stomach into knots. No one had told her worry and fear could feel so much like grief. The same feeling of nausea, the same feeling of restlessness, the feeling of having the world conspire against her to keep her far from the one person she needed to reach.

And when she saw the familiar gates of the compound, Jisoo had her hand ready on the door. And Lay had to stop abruptly in front of the garage when Jisoo had opened the car door without waiting for him to park. There was no time she could waste on waiting.

Jennie needed her. She needed Jennie.

But the moment Jisoo had entered the opened doors to the garage to see Suho's fist meeting with Jennie's face, a new door came to open inside of her. There was no worry, no fear, no mercy, only rage and resentment as she ran forward to him, tackling him to the ground with a violent hit, Suho losing all rational thoughts as his back met with the hard concrete, Jisoo straddling his hips.

Jisoo leaned back and tilted her head, seeing Jennie laying helplessly on the ground. She could not even stand the thought of having someone hurt Jennie, how much more if it were real? She sat on top of him as if she were a creature numb with anger, nothing audible as the rage burst into her and coming off in waves of lightning as she began to return every punch he gave to Jennie a hundredfold, maybe even a thousand at this point. Jisoo was hitting him fast that he could not respond with anything to stop her.

Rage had given Jisoo the power to fight, killing her own capacity to show mercy as it rose above in her mind. Jisoo pulled his head to break his nose as he grunted loudly in pain. Still holding his head, she started to elbow his chest with equal measures of fury in every blow to the body. His face was bleeding profusely, but Jisoo saw none of this. Her mind was engaged in returning the hurt he had bestowed upon Jennie. Her rage had taken over her completely.

"Which hand did you use to hit Jennie?" She asked as she stopped, her voice husky and filled with deep hostility.

He didn't answer.

"Which hand?" Jisoo asked again, her face empty of any emotion.

Suho could only laugh as he coughed blood. "My right hand. You should know, it felt the best hitting her. Even better than sex."

Almost involuntarily, her hands found his right and held it at an uncomfortable angle, twisting it to a direction it should not go to. Jisoo slowly put more force into it as he release a blood-curling scream when he felt his hand was about to break. But just before it could happen, Jisoo felt the familiar welcome of two arms encircling around her waist, pressing her body into another. A pair of lips came to stroke her ear, speaking words to a whisper.

"That's enough, Jisoo."

Jennie's voice came to break the control of Jisoo's rage over her. Her rage slowly went back inside the cage it was ensnared in, Jisoo's heart and mind hoping it would not come out ever again. But after hearing Jennie, they were sure Jisoo would never need it in the future.

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