you can't just leave me

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Something soft was pressing against her bottom lip.

Was she dreaming? Most probably.

Because the next thing she knew, the feeling suddenly vanished, almost as if the wind blew away the sensation on her lips. Jisoo uttered a deep, discontent moan, groggy from work the night before. Jisoo flailed her arm to the side only to meet with a wall, except it was not firm to the touch. She ran her hand across the surface and felt something round, and heard a giggle.

Her eyelids weighed heavy on her eyes, but she pried them open and saw Jennie sitting beside her on the couch.

And what a sight it was.

Jennie's blonde hair glowed in the heart of the daylight that sneaked in through the window, gold that was cut into shreds. Her dark brown eyes turned up a shade in the light, along with her pale skin. The morning could never look more beautiful on Jennie. Jisoo had seen mountains, sunsets, forests, oceans, but none could be at equal to the image of a woman before her.

"Good morning." She noticed the slight pink hue to Jennie's cheeks, but shrugged it off thinking it was from the sun's heat.

"Good morning." Jisoo replied.

"Ah!" Once Jisoo heard Jennie shriek, she sat up at once next to her, her drowsy aura gone in a millisecond.

"Are you okay?!" She was about to call the hospital when she heard Jennie emit a chuckle. Jisoo quirked her eyebrows in amusement. Jennie pressed to the side of her belly.

"I felt her move."

"The baby moved? I've never felt her move when I talk to her in the--" Jisoo bit her tongue, her daily morning routine was almost unveiled, but thankfully Jennie was too busy with her baby. Jennie takes one of Jisoo's hand and places it on the same area.

"I felt her, Jendeuk."

Jisoo never realized how perfect a small movement was inside of a womb. It was only a kick, but her heart felt warm and her mind felt high. Jisoo snaked her other arm behind Jennie to meet with her belly, grabbing her in a hug from behind. She cuddled the pregnant body against her own, feeling she had embraced the whole world when the only person in her arms was Jennie.

"She is a strong one." Jennie rested her hands above Jisoo's own, interlocking their perfectly fit fingers.

They stayed holding in each other, the feeling of comfort and security coming clean to the bones. Jisoo had never wanted too much of an intimate physical contact, but somehow both her mind and heart were at an agreement that this was honest, this embrace was sincere, there was no deceit nor treachery.

Intimacy came early and easy for the two of them, but they didn't mind, because by such contact they can share their sorrows and happiness.

Jennie looked up and Jisoo realized how close they were. Jisoo became lost in the brown shade of her eyes. Their breaths became one, and Jisoo's heart did a couple of somersaults. The sound of Jennie's breathing blocked out everything. The smell of Jennie's hair tingled the memory of her favorite vanilla, leaving her wanting for more. They was no suite, no buildings, no honks, just them, in sacred silence.

They were close, too close that their lips would consider it a sin if they did not meet.

And when Jennie spoke, Jisoo held her breath. "You have rheum."

Jisoo blinked a couple of times, feeling lightheaded. "What?"

"Eye snot." Jennie took her bottom lip between her teeth to keep herself from laughing.

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