what's mine is yours now

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In a mad dash Jennie and Grace made their way inside the bedroom. The pregnant woman wouldn't stop crying, desperate to find anything thing that would sympathize with her. She never felt so alone and defeated in 27 years of living. Everyday for the past 2 and a half months, her conversations were filled with anger, pain and apologies.

Grace stormed towards her cabinet, almost breaking the doors open. Grabbing anything her hands could land on, she threw Jennie's clothes on the bed. "Hurry and change."

Jennie was not a woman of delusions though, she expected the wife of Junmyeon to be cold towards her, but she couldn't risk the life of her baby by confining herself in the Kim household. She did feel she deserved such treatment, after all it was her fault the wife was in such a predicament. But she had no financial capabilities to raise her child, much more provide care during her pregnancy.

"What are you doing?" Grace was rooted on the ground, pursed her lips and wrinkled her brows into a frown. "Please, Jennie, we are already in a losing emotional battle. I do not want you to be more upset. Go and change, we'll be waiting for you outside."

Jennie held her head in her hands, feeling Jisoo's bitterness inside her like venom, slowly making its path towards her beating organ. But still, she hopes that one day Jisoo will be able to forgive her. Her right hand made its way to her left shoulder, tracing lines like she did at his funeral. In a swift motion, her zipper on the back of her maternity clothing was undone. She dressed in a yoga outfit and went out to meet with Grace and Jisoo.

The ride to the yoga center was engulfed in silence. Jennie curled her arms around her belly, hands fisting around the fabric of her top. Her jaw was tightly clenched, her bloodshot eyes stared at the view by the window. Jisoo was speaking to her about something, but she wasn't paying attention. The ache in her chest still wandered inside her.

"---so the center also offers lessons about pregnancy and childbirth." When Jisoo noticed Jennie wasn't listening, she narrowed her eyes. "Are you even fucking listening?" Her eyes became the usual cold that they were, her tone glacial.

Jennie bit the inside of her cheeks and nodded. "Yes."

"After your yoga session, we'll head to MINS in Madison Avenue."

Perhaps this was the longest conversation they had without Jisoo attacking Jennie with waves of unpleasant insults and curses. Though Jisoo's cold persona still laid upfront, Jennie thought it was bearable, she just had to avoid making something snap in Jisoo.

Jennie flexes her sore fingers, and tentatively touches her bump. She needed to live for her baby. Even when the world around her is wishing for her misery. She would live and fight.


"Hello, Miss Kim! I am Kelly, your private trainer for the period of your sessions here." Kelly extended her hand to Jennie, who shook it nervously. "I am pleased to know you decided to enroll in our classes. I am sure it will help you prepare for labor and promote your baby's health."

"Please take care of me." Jennie replied, looking down.

"Alright, Jennie, we'll just focus on your breathing and some gentle stretches, since you're still on your first trimester."

Kelly and Jennie sat on the yoga mat, with Kelly straightening her back. "Your posture will help you achieve different breathing techniques, so it's important to have the right one. Now, I don't want you to strain yourself in achieving any posture. Allow your body to open. Allow your body to stretch."

"Okay, breathe in and breathe out through your nose. That's it."

Jennie closed her eyes, relaxing, temporarily erasing all the painful words and memories out of her system. This could be her drug, her short ticket to being numb, even for a short while. This could help.

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