can't bear

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"Young CEO and billionaire Kim Jisoo certainly has a busy schedule, so it's not a surprise to see the socialite craving some serious relaxation. However, when Jisoo was spotted entering a yoga center for pregnant women, many eyebrows have raised regarding the truth about her pregnancy rumours. If found that she is carrying a child, it would be unfortunate to have the baby be raised by a single mother. It was not the first time she was seen entering the yoga center, as she was seen three times last week, and was reported to be her first few visits. Since her husband died months ago, it would be safe to assume she has another man hidden under her sheets, if the rumours were to be proven true." Taehyung sat on Jisoo's table as he finished saying the words on the morning paper, laughing in between sentences.

Jisoo grunted, shoving Taehyung off her desk. "All these bogus information makes me want to buy the agencies where these news are made and have them all fired."

Taehyung picked up the newspaper and tossed it to Jisoo. "Cut them some slack. Besides, the total cost of all the agencies will only be like change to you."

Jisoo caught a glimpse of herself in the front page. Behind her was Jennie, though her image was hazy, Jisoo recognized the Pikachu sweater she had secretly bought for her. She was roaming around town when a saleslady recommended it as a gift. It was baggy, but then she thought Jennie would be comfortable in it. Jisoo had Grace purchase the sweater and give it to her. The photo evoked memories of having Jennie as her birth and labor partner, making her recall her touch, scent and feel. She flung all thoughts at a distant and threw the newspaper with abandon inside the trashbin.

She shrugged. "Exactly. I wouldn't even notice the difference in my bank balance if I bought them."

"But really though, what were you doing inside the center? Wanting to bring your old self back?"

"I have no old self." Jisoo unbuttoned her blazer and hung it on her chair. "I went with a friend."

"This Jisoo in front of me is not your old self. You were so hyper and full of life. It's been months, Jisoo. He's not coming back." Taehyung looked at her pitifully.

Jisoo was taken aback by his words, hearing him with a humorless implication was a rare music to behold. If she was not aware of Junmyeon's affair, she would have thought Taehyung as callous, but the presence of Jennie made her indifferent to any words concerning her late husband. "I know that, Tae. Just give me more time."

"If that's what it takes. I miss my good ol' girl."

Jisoo showed him a sly smile as she walked nonchalantly to his standing figure. Taehyung's brow tightened, wrinkling his forehead. "Who's your girl?"

"The old Jisoo's my girl." In a swift motion, Jisoo leapt up and took Taehyung's head under her underarm, bending his back, and rubbed her knuckles against the top of his head.

"Ow! That hurts!" Taehyung worked to get his head out of Jisoo's grasp.

Jisoo pretended to strike his stomach using her knee. "Who's your girl now, huh?" Seeing a giant man struggle against her small arms made Jisoo's guffaws echo inside her office, one that he hasn't heard in a while.

Taehyung tried to suppress his chuckles, but ended up bursting into a laughter.

Jisoo finally let him go, his face bright red. Taehyung shook his head, his smile wide. "God, I missed you, amigo." He said with his broken Spanish.

"Ew, Spanish does not suit you at all." Jisoo fixed her wrinkled top, tucking in the loose ends. Taehyung was about to counter when Jisoo's phone rang.

Seeing her mother calling, she immediately answered, remembering the fateful day she left 59 missed calls she left all within 15 minutes.

"Mom! What made you call?" Jisoo held the phone in between her shoulder and ear, still tending to her top.

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