let's go back to square one

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Kneeling to beg for forgiveness, for Jisoo, was an act of losing self-respect. To be that desperate to chase after someone that you have to lower your pride just to be shown mercy, was the reason why she despised it so much.

Until Jennie came.

Jisoo questioned a lot of things after she came. It wasn't just lowering her pride anymore, but just the sole act of asking for forgiveness. She had forgot she was not the only victim to the story.

The first time Jennie had asked for forgiveness once she knew about her condition, it didn't mend everything, but Jisoo had released Jennie from the suffocating hold she had on her throat, and that was all there was to it. But the moment Jisoo knew about the truth that had blinded her from the very beginning, a miracle had placed itself onto her soul. She found the strength to reach out and be finally at conciliation with Jennie.

They could finally start forgiving each other.

"I am so sorry for hurting you. I could inflict pain to myself, but I know it will never cure your own."

"Please don't kneel, Jisoo." Jennie pleaded, squeezing her shoulders. If she could follow Jisoo, she would, but her bump prevented her from doing so.

"Say you have forgiven me." Jisoo desired, who had her arms around Jennie's hips.

"I'll understand if you won't forgive me. All I thought of you was a slut, but you are so much more than that. I don't want you to put your arms around me and say you have forgiven me just for the sake of it. I want you to be sure of your words."

"I have forgiven you a long, long time ago."

Jennie took her head into her hands and tilted it upward, so she could look at her eyes. "Say you have forgiven yourself."

A few drops of Jennie's tears fell onto Jisoo's cheeks, mixing their tears, their regrets, their sorrows, and flowing out of their systems as they have finally reached a mutual choice to start all over again.


Jennie was sitting on the edge of bed, waiting for the milk to be delivered by Grace. What had happened still lingered before her eyes, feeling unreal and a part of a fantasy.

No more lies, no more half-truths.

Jennie didn't want a relationship to be forged on something false.

A knock came on the door and disrupted her thoughts. "Come in!"

The door opened only to have Jisoo's head poke inside, making it look like it was floating without a body. It yielded an endearing laugh from Jennie.

Seeing her reaction, Jisoo smiled and showed the milk. "Delivery service."

Jennie patted the spot beside her. "I'm sorry, but I believe the service is 5 minutes late. I heard there are refunds in such situations." She said, deciding to be a little playful at it.

As Jisoo walked towards her, her mouth hung agape, going with the current. "But I have labor fee. Five dollars for every step I took in coming here." She sat beside Jennie and handed her milk.

The receiver only pushed her hand away. "Five dollars! That's even way more expensive than the milk!"

"Of course, that's what you get for having a billionaire as your delivery woman." Jisoo grinned, once again handing the glass to Jennie.

"You can pay by an installment, though."

Jennie rolled her eyes, chuckling. She took the milk and drank. "Anyway, thank you, my personal delivery woman."

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