the calm

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there are some parts that don't really fit jensoo here, but i think it's really sweet and it would be a waste if i remove it so yeah enjoy




Jisoo slowly made her way to her desk in her suite office. Work had been claiming all the time she had sacrificed for her to spend time with Jennie after giving birth to Lisa. But her eyes had no interest in the papers requiring some reading and signing as she saw the picture frame that contained a photo of Jennie and Lisa she secretly took.

She took the frame and traced their figures, eliciting a smile from her lips. Jisoo looked at the clock on her table, it was already 8 in the evening, and the last time she had seen Jennie was at lunch. Though she had been working at home, it still felt like she was away at her real office.

Work could wait in the morning.

It wasn't long before Jisoo was walking towards the nursery, the exhaustion slowly making its way out of her body with every step she took closer to her destination. Seeing the door, the last few steps were skipped as she opened the door after knocking.

And as Jisoo looked inside the room, she was struck by sincere perfection. She watched as Jennie settled down on the bed with Lisa cradled close to her chest. Jennie's small hands were enough to protect the little bundle of love she held, stroking her face with most care, bonding their souls in the most intimate level as mother and child. Then, Lisa stirred closer to Jennie's chest, and Jisoo swore she had heard her exhale a breath of delight, very much a child elated to be the arms of her mother.

And when the eyes of the mother had travelled from the baby towards her own, Jisoo had held a silent conversation with her that would be at par to a loud reminder of the joy they have found in their love, in their daughter, in each other. And there was nothing more intimate and treasured than being understood and felt by another.

Jennie beamed at Jisoo, and she had never been more grateful for what had brought them together, may it be fate, destiny, nature, even the pain they both endured. She was grateful they all led to Jennie and Lisa.

Jisoo entered the room and laid on her side beside Jennie, her face close to hers as she propped her head on her elbow.

"Can I?" She soothingly ran her hand over Lisa's arm. Without any more thoughts, Jennie slowly transferred the baby on Jisoo's chest, Lisa's cheek pressed skin to skin with Jisoo's chest.

Jennie shifted a little space backwards, letting the moonlight through the window fall on their bodies. Love was what she saw as Jisoo placed her hand against Lisa's back to sing a lullaby in her ears. Her daughter and her lover, she had completely given herself to them, no chains holding her back, no fear, no hesitations. Their love had been growing without limitations nor conditions, pure and honest in itself.

"Is it weird that she looks more like me?" Jisoo whispered as a smile formed by her lips, showing enough teeth.

"No, no I think it's fascinating. A Jisoo and a mini-Jisoo. I love both."

As Jennie spoke, her smile was full of bliss and delight, resting her head on Jisoo's shoulder, and holding Lisa's small hand altogether. "You and Lisa make up all the reasons why I live."

Being far away from each other was wrong. Laying side by side did more than all words could ever say about them. The simplicity of it had bore love and trust as the strong foundations of their journey together.

"You know, after knowing about Junmyeon's infidelity, I never thought I could be someone's only choice. I never thought I could ever be someone's "the one"."

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