now she knows

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"Maria? Stephanie? Summer?"

Jisoo was lying on her stomach on Jennie's bed, wearing her glasses and a messy bun as she scrolled through her phone. Her feet were in the air, freely swaying from side to side. Jennie took a seat on the bed across her, stretching her legs in front of her. After Jisoo had offered to bring some milk for her before she fell asleep, she had seen the list of names Jennie was listing on the piece of paper. Eventually, she never got to get the milk and laid on the bed to search on her own.

"Oh, what about this? Beatrix, she who brings happiness." Jisoo looked at Jennie with a questioning glance, waiting for her reply.

Jennie merely shrugged and shook her head, taking the tip of the pencil between her teeth. They had been searching for names for a while now, and it was draining Jisoo of her energy.

She rolled her eyes before she went back to her phone, exhaling noisily, clearly discontented. Jennie giggled and offered a shy, but sincere smile. "After a hundred names and you still haven't chosen one! Why don't you just name her Karamat Theophilia?!"

The both of them stared at each other, before they bursted into a loud and boisterous laughter. Jisoo's eyes brimmed with tears, and her smile tugging her lips all the way to her ears, stretching them to their full length. She held her sides and she gasped for air in between laughters.

When their laughs dwindled down to titters, Jennie asked, "Is there really such a name?"

"Well, of course. Karamat means miracle, and Theophilia means loved by God. A miracle loved by God." She replied.

Jennie squinted her eyes. "You're lying."

"It's true. See?" Jisoo showed her phone, and there they were, Karamat and Theophilia, labeled under the category "Unique Names", and they definitely were. Jennie's mouth formed a small 'O' at it.

"What about Lily?"

Jennie stopped at her giggling and turned to stare at Jisoo, who had her eyes on her phone. "What?"

"Lily. Or maybe something similar, like Lilies? It's my favorite flower and I've always wanted to name my daughter after that." Jisoo paused and looked at Jennie, her face now lost of the smiles and laughter, but an image of seriousness. Jennie grew quiet hearing the question. She knew they still weren't in the best of terms, and she thought naming her child after Jisoo's idea would spark as an offensive stance for Jisoo.

It hung for several seconds in the air before Jisoo once again laughed at her reaction. "I'm just kidding, slut."

Jennie's heart skipped a hundred beats. For a moment, she thought Jisoo was serious about it. She was a little bit relieved Jisoo had the initiative to lighten the mood inside the room.

"How about places?" Jennie suggested.

Jisoo's head perked up. "Places! That could be an idea. So, where were the places you've been to?"

Jennie looked down on her lap. "I've only been to Los Angeles and here, in New York. I didn't have the luxury of travelling, given my job."

"Oh, right." Jisoo almost felt guilty about it. She was about to open her mouth to suggest another when Jennie spoke.


"Huh?" Jisoo tilted her head.

"I've always wanted to go to Vienna. Vivienne. What do you think?" Jennie caressed her stomach and smiled.

Jisoo gazed over at the pregnant woman and softened ever so slightly. "I think it's a beautiful name." Her body was tensing as she fought the temptation to touch her belly, when the door to the room flung open, and Grace came strolling in. Jisoo grumbled as this was the third time she unintentionally disturbed them. Grace stopped in her tracks seeing Jisoo on Jennie's bed.

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