jisoo + jennie

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Marry me, Jennie.

Jennie still could not wake from her trance, even now as she and Joohyun were inside a room, where her wedding gown was worn by a mannequin, proud and tall as it presented the clothing designed just for her.

She was going to marry Jisoo, here and now. Good Lord, how could He bless her with such a woman?

One thing however, became clear to her at that moment. Why so many paintings or sculptures have not harvested any interest in her, inspite being labelled as one of the most beautiful piece of artistry there ever was. The true art of the world was not of paintings, of statues, of any graffiti in the streets or the roof of churches, but humans themselves. They were pure art where love, kindness, respect and compassion could emanate from. Jisoo, the pure art in the flesh, her own art to have and to hold.

"Are you ready?" Joohyun asked, taking the gown from the mannequin towards Jennie.

Was she ready?

Jennie held her hand to her chest, feeling a new kind of ache in it. It was like those aches when her mother would beat her, it wasn't like when she was physically violated. This ache had brought a comforting kiss onto her fractic heart. She looked outside the window, down to where they waited for her, and saw the woman of her living breath. Jisoo was looking at the window, and resolution washed through Jennie's blood.

It wasn't just Jisoo's beauty that radiated warmth, but the way she smiled at her, the way she waved with the loving look in her eyes as she caught Jennie peeking through the window.

Jennie was going to marry Jisoo.

She was going to marry Jisoo.

And this was the beauty Jennie had been searching and waiting for. The beauty of Jisoo's heart that she had always found astonishing, the beauty that had burst like a supernova, one that would remain for eternity. The beauty that had chosen to look past her scars, her mistakes to find an utterly imperfect woman, only to love her with irrefutable honesty and undeniable selflessness.

She was going to marry Jisoo.

"I am ready."


Jisoo had been shifting her weight from foot to foot, breathing deeply as she waited for her bride beside the minister, who wore a knowing grin, having to marry some couples of the same sex. Lisa shifted in her arms, wearing a white gown that covered her toes, their renowned flower girl. "Mommy's coming soon, Lisa-ya."

They were in Vienna, and she was going to be wedded to her Jennie. Jisoo still found it unbelievable, and yet, she had known it, known this to be true now that the organ inside the protection of her ribcage had ceased to beat for a moment, only to be brought back to life with an indistinguishable pace and mellow violence. Memories of her past with Jennie had resurfaced in her mind.


That was all Jisoo felt when she first met Jennie. It was a wicked web they were both caught in the moment they had first clashed, both puppets of the hate and fear that they couldn't escape with unforeseen storms. The truth to everything was not graceful, and graceful words were not the truth.

But Jennie became her vessel of love and healing.

Almost the same when a bird takes its first flight in the sky, feeling the wind underneath its wings. Love and healing was the closest thing to flying without wings. It was a door beyond normal human boundaries.

She had been abruptly pulled away from her world of thoughts when her mother, Seok Jin and Taehyung stood up, turning their heads at awe at the bride left at the care of Jisoo's father.

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