the eyes can't be fooled

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Jisoo sat on the couch, tossing and turning on her bum as she glanced to the hands of her wall clock. She groaned, wishing she had missed Grace's unpleasant and loud wake up call at six in the morning. The time read seven fifteen, and she grimaced. Jisoo still had five hours until her meeting with the board. Five hours and she had nothing to do, except wait.

She was close to cleaning the whole suite if she sat for another minute.

But thankfully, she found another spectacle of interest when Jennie walked out of the kitchen, having only finished her milk. Jennie wiped the edges of her mouth which was covered in white liquid, taking her clutch bag and walked past Jisoo, giving her a side-glance.

"Grace, I'll be going now!" Jennie said with a slightly raised voice as she turned the knob of the double doors.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo's first thought that came to mind was that she had to be dreaming, asking Jennie when clearly she shouldn't care.

Standing in the doorway was the woman of her nightmares.

Jisoo let her eyes roam up her body from the feet, recoiling at her distaste of her sandals, past the legs to the dress Jennie was depriving any admiration of because of the stupid cardigan she was wearing, before they settled on Jennie's face which to her surprise had a tinge of pink to it.

Speaking of cardigan, Jisoo still remained curious, but she should not act impulsively about it.

Jennie looked away and answered, "Central Park. I'm going to take a walk."

"I'll come with you." Jennie blinked and then gasped as the color of her face travelled down to her neck and the tips of her ears. Jisoo put on her heels, noticing Jennie's shock at her statement.

"Don't take it personally. I still hate you, Chippie. But this fucking boredom is slowly eating me from the inside." Jisoo snapped before stalking out the suite with Jennie close behind.

"I really need to go out more." Jisoo muttered as she fingered through her hair, walking by the lake.

She heard Jennie speak a quiet "Huh?" and out of habit, she rolled her eyes. "I'm talking to myself. I've decided your mind is not worth comprehending my words and being a storage of my memories."

"Oh." Jennie knew that in Jisoo's language, this was as close to a compliment she was going to receive. Any sentence not accompanied by the words slut, whore, pussy, fucktard, cheater and dicksucker, even though degrading, did not affect her that much. Now she was walking behind Jisoo, and they were in companionable silence. Though Jisoo spat out hurtful words, Jisoo was the least violent person that had entered her life.

After years of living, someone did not inflict pain physically. Maybe that's why she felt safer.

Jisoo could've easily inflicted pain on her body. But she didn't. 

This was a new field that Jennie was on. It felt comforting to be in the presence of someone who did not raise a hand at her, or a belt. Yes, Grace and Joohyun were kind and gentle, but Jennie felt inclined to Jisoo more. She wanted Jisoo to open up to her, she wanted to open up to Jisoo. It was unusual. Very unusual.

She looked ahead of her. Jisoo was walking on the path, the sun hitting on her front, making the outline of her figure have a glow of orange. She stopped in her tracks as she stared, leaving a few feet between them.

When Jisoo did not hear the footsteps at her back, she looked behind at Jennie who stared at her. "What?"

As she was about to answer, her eyes caught a glimpse of the dessert she had been craving for nights in a row. Her eyes widened as she fastwalked towards the cart. Jisoo's brows met as she saw Jennie walking towards the ice cream stand.

"Hey!" But Jennie only had eyes on the food.

"Okay Jisoo, the woman is pregnant and has shit-assed cravings. Understand her, Jisoo. I can be understanding. Fuck this." Jisoo followed suit and soon was standing beside Jennie.

Jennie looked at the ice cream with awe, mouth slightly open as the man scooped a big fill of ice cream onto the cone. There were too many flavors to choose from, and Jennie wanted to try each. She went through her clutchbag only to see she had left her wallet back at the suite. She noticed Jisoo standing beside her. Well, it would be worth a try to risk the woman's wrath upon her, and Jisoo would just refuse to spite her anyway.

"Ji-Jisoo?" Jisoo seemed to have predicted what she was going to say. "Please don't tell me you are going to ask me--"

"Ca-can you buy ice cream?" Jennie scratched the side of her head, lowering her head of embarassment, but tensing in anticipation.

Jisoo was about to say something alone the lines of "Before you're slutting around my husband and now you're asking me to buy you ice cream? Fucking no." But seeing how Jennie was holding the edge of the counter and having her round belly pressed upon it sparked the little ounce of sympathy inside her. She let out a groan. "Fine."

Jennie turned to look at Jisoo and showed her signature gummy smile as Jisoo ordered ice cream. "Can I have one cookie butter ice cream? In a cup, please." The man handed Jisoo a white cup filled with the dessert about twice the size of a balled fist. "Thank you." Jisoo took one plastic spoon and went her way, leaving Jennie near the stand.

Jennie, flabbergasted, went after Jisoo. She walked beside Jisoo as the woman put one spoonful into her mouth, licking the spoon afterwards. "Mmmm.. so good."

Jennie unconsciously bit her lip as her eyes were stuck on the ice cream being shoved into Jisoo's lips. "Jisoo.."

Jisoo hummed with satisfaction, closing her eyes before facing Jennie. "Yes?"

"I thought... you were going to buy me ice cream."

Jisoo shrugged. "Well, if I remember correctly, you said, "Can you buy ice cream?" I did not remember any question like, "Can you buy me ice cream?" Know your grammar, 'cause dicks and vaginas are not the only things that you should learn of."

Jennie flinched at her words, but dismissed them not long after. Of course Jisoo would not buy her.

"I see..." But she felt something cold being held near the corner of her mouth. Careful not to hit what it was, she looked towards Jisoo's direction and saw the brown substance on the spoon.

It was Jisoo's spoon.

"If you're not going to eat the ice cream I am offering you, might as well say goodbye to it, Chippie."

Jennie blinked. She wanted to eat, but she would be sharing the same spoon with Jisoo. That would be considered as an indirect contact. "But the spoon..."

Jisoo narrowed her eyes. "Don't be fussbudgety, slut. Now, eat."

Jennie hesitated only for a moment, surprise making her pause before her brain kicked in and told her to eat before it was taken away. She felt warm leaning towards the spoon and wrapping her mouth around it to take everything, not leaving a single drop. The warmth only spread when she discovered Jisoo was staring at her intently, her attention focused on her mouth that Jennie forgot to breathe. Jennie quickly pulled clear and let the ice cream melt on her tongue.

The ice cream tasted so good! Since Jisoo had already offered one, maybe she could offer a second serving? Boldly she asked, "Can I have another one?" Jennie looked at Jisoo hopefully that she had to pause, the spoon trapped inside her mouth.

"No. I'm sure you'll ask for more if I'll give you. Ice cream equals fats and carbohydrates. Not good for the baby. I give an average percentage of zero fucks for the slut, but for the baby---" Hot on the tail of realizing her implication of care for Jennie's baby, Jisoo jerked her gaze away, but Jennie saw the sincerity in her eyes. "Nevermind."

Jisoo made her way again down the path leading away from the lake. For the second time in that morning, Jennie was presented with the view of Jisoo from behind. Porcelain skin, long raven locks that bounced on her back as she walked, white business attire that hung tight on her curves. It was an image that Jennie embedded in her memory. Jennie smiled.

Her lantern that dispensed intense heat to her skin, travelling even to the clothed areas, almost burning and leaving an unendurable amount of chronic pain.

But gave off the necessary light on her dark road.

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