the night is ours 🔞

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Jennie sank forward slowly into Jisoo's arms, overpowering her like a lightning rushing to come in contact with the lands of the Earth. She became trapped in its cyclonic nature, enfolding her body into a close embrace. Jisoo was enchanted with the strength to destroy Jennie, to break her piece by piece with the mere use of her fingers, but she held Jennie in a distinctly different manner.

The embrace was soft, and was emanating pure love.

The lightning came in a greater magnitude as Jisoo's lips moved against Jennie's, and a little turn of their heads to opposite sides allowed their tongues to meet. Jennie glided her hand from Jisoo's neck all the way to her hair, knotting her fingers with the raven locks, lightly scratching her scalp, to incline their lips even closer together. Jisoo let out a soft moan at her action and pressed gently at her waist, so when Jennie felt a sort of tugging at it, she leapt towards Jisoo, her legs around her midsection.

The kiss changed course into the path of passionate, unbounded, but always gentle. Together, they drifted to the heavens. The God of the sky set them down within two comets that have collided to create the biggest explosion in space, shooting scintillating tingles from their mouths like wildfire to their skin down to the bones, so this kiss they will never forget, this kiss that will always be right. And when the God had brought them back down to the Earth, they knew they would always be a part of those comets, a part of each other.

Jisoo explored Jennie's mouth ever so slowly, taking every single detail as she moved her lips and tongue about. Jennie mimicked her movements, but both weren't aware anymore who was kissing first, weren't sure when their lips started to move, but they were aware of the warmth that had started to spread across their bodies, and it kept growing. Jisoo was surprised she was still able to stand and support Jennie's weight.

But the cursed need for air caused their lips to have an impermanent stop from their dance.

Their eyes remained close for a time, savouring each other's presence. It was Jennie who leaned back to look down on Jisoo, who was still stealing air for her lungs, and Jennie had to smile knowing she was the woman behind it. And when it was time for Jisoo to open her eyes, she tightened her grasp around Jennie' waist, gaze intense.

"Are you cold?" Jisoo asked, intentionally grazing her lips on Jennie, her breath hitting on her skin.

Jennie nodded, their noses now performing an eskimo kiss.

"Do you want to be warm? The both of us?"

"Yes." It was nearly above a whisper as Jennie placed their foreheads together.

"Where?" Jisoo's voice soft, but evidently eager.

"Any place is fine right now." Came Jennie's answer.

Jisoo thought for no more than a second, and wasn't sure if she had the patience to walk to the bedroom, but she wanted Jennie to be comfortable, no more, no less.

The next walk Jisoo took was the fastest, but the longest as she took Jennie to the bedroom, who was clinging to Jisoo's body. She quietly opened the door and brought them inside, where the dark was in the rare state of comforting. Jisoo moved them to their bed, her hand pressing hard against Jennie's back as she laid her down on the soft matress.

Jisoo propped herself on her elbows, so her weight would not bother Jennie.

"I'll be gentle."

But both of them heard the unwillingness in Jisoo's voice, her hesitance.

Jennie stiffened, thinking Jisoo was being placed in the situation because she felt obliged and pitiful. Something heavy and cold splashed across her heart, making it tighten and sending extra moisture to her eyes, but she understood all too well.

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