merry christmas

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Two days before Christmas. It was two days before Christmas. Jennie repeated the phrase inside her head while fixing the yarns on the garment she was knitting. She took her gray yarn and wrapped it around the thick needle to start stitching, casting the final layer of the scarf. Despite having little amount of money in her bank account, she had managed to buy gifts for Joohyun, Mark and Grace. She only had a few dollars left to buy a gift for Jisoo, and the scarf she had in mind would require having her broke to afford it. So, the soon-to-be-mother found herself inside a craft shop, buying yarns and needles. She would make one instead.

After having her baby bump as Jisoo's crying haven, the woman had become a little more cordial, and Jennie appreciated it more than Jisoo could ever comprehend. Jisoo would throw subtle smiles, and would manage to hold a conversation with her, minus the cussing.

Jennie had learned that Jisoo moved away from Korea at a young age of nine to attend boarding school. Since then, she had lived here in New York, only visiting her family on the holidays. She became one of the youngest CEOs and built an expanding billion-dollar empire in her name. But they both avoided the topic on her husband to elude such painful memories to descend upon them.

Jennie not only knew a fragment of Jisoo's past, but she noticed the little usual tendencies in Jisoo's regular life. Jennie noticed how Jisoo would always sleep in her business attire on the couch when she would arrive past 12 in the morning. How Jisoo would talk nonsense whenever she was caught in the wires of stress and pressure. How Jisoo would hug her rabbit plushie tightly when she was asleep. How Jisoo would fix her hair every morning before leaving for work.

The image and memory of Jisoo that she would soon be left with after she gave birth was chiseled out of the little things she does. Three and a half months, that was all she had left.

"Slut, are you ready? Come on, let's take a walk. I only have a couple of hours left before I leave for Korea." Jisoo's voice came through the door, muffling the husky tone to it.

"I'm almost done!" Jennie put away the extra yarn and needles to her drawer and put on the complementary attire for winter, a coat, mittens, boots and a scarf. She placed the one she knitted inside her bag, and along with some other things.

Jisoo stood on the other side of the door, fixing her wool hat in place. She had invited to take Jennie on a stroll to the plaza since she would be away for Christmas, even Grace was going to visit some old relatives and friends. Jennie would be alone for the rest of the holidays.

When Jisoo had shrunk into a sobbing mess and rested into a gratified slumber on that night, Jisoo felt vulnerable and ashamed at the state she showed Jennie. She had known of her past, but Jennie did not seem to take the knowledge to her advantage. After that, Jisoo had tried to slowly allow herself to be acquainted with Jennie. Jisoo still did not trust Jennie fully to bare all of herself, but this small and limited friendship would suffice, for now.

The door opened to reveal Jennie in the maternity winter clothing line Jisoo personally had made for her. The coat fit her a little too perfectly, loose around the belly area to keep her comfortable and warm. "Let's go?"


Jisoo and Jennie made their way down to the front road where the limousine would drive them to the plaza. On their walk to the vehicle, Jennie took observation the scarf Jisoo had around her neck. Judging from the check design, no doubt it was Burberry. Jennie bit her lip, worry starting to infuse into her senses. Jisoo might not accept her present, it was an inexpensive material, and not high class, reminiscing how Jisoo crudely evaluated her vintage dress as cheap and not worthy of being worn.

As they got inside, Jisoo instructed that they were to be brought to the Rockefeller Plaza, which was only a couple of blocks away from the suite.

A few light taps on the car window had Jennie looking. It had begun to snow again. Large flakes fell from the sky, almost looking like diamonds. Jennie traced the scenery before her eyes by the window, seeing the sidewalk, cars and lampposts covered in a blanket of snow.

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