not what she had expected

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Morning had come. The skies had no choice but to allow the first rays of light to creep up in the horizon, to let the clouds float in the sea of orange above. And just like any other mornings, Jisoo was the first to wake up, only because her love was an avid fan of sleep. Outside the window, the rays of the sun asked permission to touch her, which Jisoo had allowed, scooting a bit further back as it accentuated Jennie's pale skin.

She could stare at her forever.

Just one look at Jennie's love-filled eyes was enough to get her walking for the day. Watching Jennie cradle her daughter to her breasts, the way she puts strands of hair behind her ear, the way her eye twitches when she laughs, or just watching her breathe, it was like seeing the most perfect harmony come to life, one that she couldn't only hear, but see. And the world could never stop for them, but as long as she had Lisa and Jennie were with her, Jisoo knew the world would conspire with her for a future they deserved.

A future Jennie deserved.

And just like any other mornings, Jisoo gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Almost as if her heart recognized that single touch, it stirred Jennie awake, her eyes nourished by the sunlight. Smiling she said, "There goes my alarm clock."

Before Jisoo and Lisa came to her life, she would always thought she had woken up to the world of hell everyday, or any nightmare per second, that she had been alive as a dead woman was, buried within the tormenting flames of souls that were held under suffering and pain. It was the same scene that played in front of her eyes over and over again, her life being lived through condemnation. And just when life gave her one taste of the clouds, she had been ferociously pulled down back to the underworld.

She was near to having her eyes closed forever, to surrender to the realm of sleep and never wake, because she knew it would be the same life, same nightmare, same old, cruel world.

But no, the world hadn't been cruel at all, but the people in it.

The world had been preparing her for a life worth having with Jisoo and Lisa all along. She was scarred, violated, tormented, but it was all poured out by love, and love was all the great blessing she had received.

Jisoo returned her smile. "Good morning, Jendeukie-jagi."

Jennie ran her arm comfortingly down Jisoo's arm. "Hmm? Jag-ee? What does that mean?"

Jisoo took her hand and pecked it, lacing their fingers together to put on her chest.

"Honey. Jendeukie honey."

They laughed together at the endearment and kissed again.

After they had parted, Jennie propped her head on her palms, the blanket falling off her arms down to her waist, exposing her bare chest to the morning dew. But she took pleasure on the known fact that she was naked in front of her love, but Jisoo still looked at her face. Jisoo had her hand to above her heart, and Jennie felt the familiar words that it spoke to her.

"You know, I always see that everyday with you would seem like my last."

Jisoo placed one hand on Jennie's cheek, moving her thumb over the swollen lips that had been caused by their liplocking, a long one at that.

"Why is that?"

"So that I'll spend everyday showing and saying just how much I love you. I can't promise you an eternity, can't promise you a thousand lives with me, can't promise you a million years by my side, but what I can promise you," Jennie giggled, the sound she had made seemed as if it was made by an instrument in Jisoo's ears.

"Is the remaining years of my life. If I only have sixty-five years, or even seventy years left, then I'm spending it with you and Lisa."

"It seems like I'm stuck with you, then." Jisoo grinned, sticking her tongue out after.

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