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"I'm sorry, Miss Kim, I'm afraid I can't allow that." The executor flashed Jennie a pitiful look. They were sitting on the corner of the cafe, safe from the eyes and ears of unwanted audience. It took her a lie, buying something from the mart, to get herself to talk to him in secret, and she would not leave until she reaped the harvest she's been asking for.

"Please, can't I live in another house, apartment or loft? There has to be something!" Jennie half-whispered, half-shouted, voice pleading to him. She was on the verge of tears, eyes glimmering with moisture. Ever since the incident with Jisoo days ago in the kitchen, she does not know if the unpleasant feelings in her will bring forth good for her and the baby.

"But he ordered to let you live under his wife's care, Miss Kim, because he got you pregnant." The executor sipped his coffee, and wiped his mouth with his handkerchief, leaving brown stains on it.

"I'm begging you, let me live in another place. I don't care if it's the sewers or the cemetery, anywhere but here. Just let me go back to my old apartment." Jennie ran her hands through her hair, hoping to channel the frustration out of her system.

"But the apartment has been sold to another, since you didn't meet deadlines. I'm sorry, Miss Kim, I have to carry out his orders."

"But being the executor does not necessarily mean you'll do exactly what he says!" Jennie looked at him a little longer, wishing he'd see the sorrow planted in her eyes. He did see it, quite clearly, but still he remained unmoved by it.

"But I am not those kind of executors, Ms. Kim, which is why he picked me. It was only coincidental he died while you were pregnant. The will states that if he died in the duration of your pregnancy you will live under Jisoo's care, but if he didn't, he'll provide you the money to live well in another house of your choice." He finished his coffee and stood up, ready to leave.

"God help me..." The taste of tears was on Jennie's lips.

"I know the situation can be a little frustrating and awkward, but it is very benificial, financially, for you. Now I beg of you, Miss Kim to just take what has been given to you. You and I well know you cannot provide for your baby."

Jennie didn't answer, because she knows he was telling nothing but the truth.


Jennie walked back to Jisoo's suite in the maddening heat in the summer of New York. She felt the perspiration on her skin, and her rapid heartbeat.

The heat of the sun on her body felt was in comparison to what she felt inside, burned, scorched, and tired. When the entrance of the building was in view, she was starting to get unsteady, her vision a bit blurry, having the corners of it turning to black, but Jennie kept on walking.

Her feet were moving unsurely from side to side. The receptionist noticed this, and went to her side immediately.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Jennie looked at her and her face contorted, or was it just a hallucination? Jennie didn't know anymore.

"Yes, just help me get to the elevator, please."

But the elevator seemed like the worst area to be in that moment when her head started to feel light, and she started to float, but still she kept on walking. She needed to reach Jisoo's suite.

The door was in sight, but her feet felt confused and suddenly did not how to carry her petite frame. Her eyes were betraying her and could not provide the crystal clear vision she solely needed at the moment. Still, stubborn Jennie was stubborn.

She walked towards the door while leaning on the wall, she was close. Just a little bit more. And when she got to ring the doorbell, she could cry of relief.

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