just like him

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"Ten more minutes, perhaps?"

Two arms snaked around Jennie's waist, prohibiting any movement away from the body she was held close to. Turning towards the body that had offered her comfort, she giggled, pressing a light kiss on her lips.

"Hmmm, but you told me last night we needed to be early for our flight to Korea."

Jisoo sleepliy smiled, opening one eye to peek at her fiancée. "Give me one more kiss and I'll get up."

Jennie ran her fingers through Jisoo's cheeks and brought her lips close to Jisoo's, shifting her direction at the last minute so they landed on her forehead.

"Get up first, and I'll give you one more kiss."

Jisoo pouted, shaking her head. "One kiss."

"Get up, and I'll give you a shower for two."

It didn't take long before Jisoo was out of the bed, her smile reaching the ends of her ears.

"In your dreams." Jisoo's mouth dropped a tad, her hands at her waist.

She blinked in surprise. "I can't believe you!"

Jennie laughed, and soon enough was removing her clothes on the bed. "But I never said dreams don't come true."

Expectedly, Jisoo's lips curved into a smile, her cheeks tainted light red. "Well, this is going to be a long shower, love."


The plane was thousands of feet in the air, Jennie cradled Lisa in her arms, singing a lullaby for her daugher to sleep. Jisoo stared at her, and could not help but think, "These are the two people I have waited for." It was not possible to put each feeling into the vessel of words, but it was a secret between their souls, words only they could hear and understand.

If all the pain, hatred, loneliness, and loathing, were rolled into one body of a stone, it would never outweigh and battle against the feather of love, happiness and peace that Jennie and Lisa brought in her life. The experience of eternity was here, she need not look anywhere else.

Jisoo giggled as Lisa held onto her finger. "She's gotten so big after all these months."

"I wouldn't be surprised, she's a giant." Jennie chuckled, rocking Lisa back and forth, the hood of her Pikachu onesie falling off her head.

Jennie suddenly pouted. "She never pays any attention to the toys I have bought her. It's always the Pikachu."

Jisoo pecked Jennie's cheeks, following after Lisa. "Like I said, she loves me more than you."

"Yah." Jennie glared at Jisoo, her lips shaking as she tried hard not to smile.

"I'm just kidding." Jisoo cooed, motioning to Lisa who had already fallen asleep.

"What do you think she'll be when she grows up?"

Jennie looked to the ceiling of the plane, thinking. "Maybe she'll be a singer."

"Or a dancer." Jisoo added excitedly. "But whatever happens, we'll always be there for her, you and me. Together?" There wouldn't be any other word to descrive the future they had been working for, but the word together.

"Always." Jennie smiled.

Jennie kissed her baby a good night, placing her inside their makeshift crib in their private plane. "Sleep well, Lili." After giving one last glimpse at their daughter, Jennie turned to look at Jisoo.

Without waiting for her mind to give her any thought, Jisoo threw her arms around Jennie's waist and pulled her in an embrace, a perfect coordination as their arms crossed above each other's backs. Jisoo wanted her, needed her. As simple as the sky needed the sun to be called the morning, as simple as the rain needed liquid droplets for it to be called rain, as simple as hydrogen needed oxygen for it to be called water, as simple as Jisoo needed Jennie for it to be called love.

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