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Beautiful, she thought when she woke up to the sight of her.

Her lips parted, as if she was about to say something, but then she presses them together again when she decided to caress the cheeks of the sleeping woman beside her, trailing down to her bare chest, all the way to her peaceful heart. She was aware of her nudity beneath the sheets, had known every inch of the skin, to her full breasts and her most desirable part between the legs. But the part of skin she had came to secretly indulge in was the part just above her heart.

The sleeping woman stirred, now laying on her back, the sheets shifted down just enough to have her upper body be exposed to the blessing of the sun's light.

She giggled, still staring at the woman's face despite the meal of the woman's naked sight offered before her. The woman must have been tired from their lovemaking. Her twenty-second birthday was definitely one to remember.

She blushed at the thought of it. It was a cold morning, but the fire of their love kept going inside of them, clung to their souls to allow rest and trust pour into them. It wasn't a rampant fire, never destroyed, rather bore a deeper connection between the two bodies it had illuminated. The woman was the cause of the fire--No, the woman was the fire she could touch and not get burnt.

And when she ought to wake her, the woman's eyelashed moved about, her eyes opening, searching for another pair she had grown to love dearly. When the woman found the gaze sweeter than sugar, the fire that was lit within grew at a bigger magnitude, but never tearing them into burnt shreds. It kept them warm enough.

Both lips curved upwards to take shape of a radiant smile. The woman greeted her. "Good morning, Lisa."

Lisa gave her a light kiss on the forehead. "Good morning, baby."

"What time is it?" The woman asked as she sat up, trying to get her phone on the table beside the bed when Lisa started to trail kisses from the small of her back all the way to her shoulders, each kiss gentle, each kiss filling every moment between her heartbeat with love.

The kisses had not stopped even when Lisa now sat behind her, pressing a hand to her stomach, pressing her front against her. With her other hand, Lisa turned the head of the woman to face her. But as her kiss was aimed at her lips, the woman put her palm up to collide against it. Giggling before playfully pushing her face away.

"We'll be late for class!"

Lisa smirked, soothingly running her fingers along the length of her collarbones. "We can be more late."

The woman could only give her a look of pity. "You can have it later."

"But how soon is later?"


Though she had tried to act angry, looking at her girlfriend gaze at her affectionately made her lips twitch as she hid a grin.

Perhaps it was the way she had looked at her with a smile. Perhaps it was the way she stood up from the bed, bare but innocent, walking to the bathroom before looking back. Perhaps it was the warmth of her touch, or perhaps she was just in love with her. Perhaps it was all of it, all of her.

Yes, it was undeniably all of her.


Jennie froze in her footsteps before turning to step inside the kitchen. Her blood ran cold in her veins as she heard the familiar sound of agony. The familiar sound of torture and punishment that she was sure was meant for her. Her feet were screaming to run away from the possible source of this tormet, but her mind and heart took the courage to look at the person behind the sound of frying.

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