did you feel that?

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Jennie once again feigned sleep, just as she had for a series of days now. The previous mornings have proved quite the endearing sight, seeing Jisoo talk to her unborn child. But it took quite the courage admitting to herself it wasn't just the talks she looked forward to. After saying a few words to her baby, Jisoo would plant a kiss on her belly, and even when her lips have no longer had itself on her stomach, she would feel her kiss like it was small pigments that oozed into her skin.

She looked at the small clock by the table beside her bed. Jisoo would usually wake by 6, but it was already 6:30, and it caused a tinge of uneasiness when she saw no sign of Jisoo.

Was she mad?

Did she hate her again?

No, Jisoo had already told her what she needed to hear that night.

Jennie decided to wait for a little while longer, but a minute held itself too long for her waiting. She pushed herself off the bed with quite difficulty brought by the bump, and a couple of trials were needed before she was finally able to sit up. The hallway was silent as she walked through it, the sun must not have had its morning call yet inside the suite. Testing if her theory, in any way, was correct, she walked to the living room.

And the world stopped along with Jennie, drained of its color except for her.

Jisoo was sleeping on the couch, and as she expected, wearing her business attire. Jisoo must have worked late last night. She had her mouth slightly open, wide enough only to let her tongue be exposed. Jennie giggled as she walked closer, sitting on the space by Jisoo's arm.

She took the time as the opportunity to look at Jisoo's sleeping face.

Jisoo had her eyelids surrender over her brown eyes, preventing the sun's light to seep into her orbs. Her breathing was relaxed, her face at peace. Jisoo was an art in a woman's form.

Jennie wasn't sure if she had the right, but she brought her hand to Jisoo's face, resting on her cheek. It felt like touching a pillow, having a group of feathers underneath her palm, it was so soft. Jennie stroked her cheek, feeling her thumb glide over glass, her skin was so smooth. She glided her finger over to Jisoo's heart-shaped lips, the lips that had kissed not only her skin but her heart.

Why do you make me feel such foreign things?

After what happened with Junmyeon, she never trusted her feelings, because it led to much suffering and pain. No one acknowledges them, or even bothers to hear them. But Jennie seemed to have easily opened herself to the tugs at her heartstrings because of Jisoo.

She trusted them, only them.

She couldn't name what she was feeling. Who knew the woman who walked inside the cafe that morning would be the one to awaken such intensity inside of her.

But of course, Jisoo would never feel the same for her. They lived in different worlds. She was a billionaire, and Jennie? She was just a waitress, something a socialite could never be proud of calling 'mine'.

Maybe she could be selfish just this once. All that she had been doing was giving, and it wasn't wrong to take something, right? As long as it didn't hurt anybody.

The only thing that would free her from this question was the one thing she had desired, but was not greedy enough to take it violently. She would be kind, and clement, something that Jisoo deserved.

Jennie's eyes travelled from Jisoo's cheek all the way to her parted lips. She dropped her head close to Jisoo's face, the distance becoming a part of the past as their faces were only a breath away.

Jennie leaned impossibly closer, every strand in Jisoo's eyebrows she could now individually count. Jennie was exhilarated at their proximity that she grew concerned about her wild heart against her ribcage. She positioned her mouth over Jisoo's lower lip, and closed her eyes. And when she felt their lips collide in a gentle touch, the universe had made itself known by something that is barely a kiss.

Her lips linger onto Jisoo's bottom one, and she had forgotten how to breathe.

A breathe in exchange for a kiss? It was a winning bargain.

Jennie had kissed before, but none of them snapped her brain shut, none of them showed stars when she closed her eyes, none of them made it feel like she was in heaven. And their lips weren't even moving, just a pure and innocent contact with them on top of each other, yet it held more power than the others.

And Jennie questioned if she had ever kissed, because she finally felt that certain surrender to the person that had mattered the most to her in the past months.

The feel of Jisoo's lips against her own stirred that feeling inside of her. From the deepest pits of her heart, that feeling swam to the surface, breaking free from its chains and making itself known. But still, she was afraid to name it, even though the answer had been clear.

Jennie pulled away, and she immediately missed Jisoo's lips, but it had already blossomed inside of her.

So maybe it was true.

Maybe she was starting to love.

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