the truth she hid

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The first time she met him

"Juliet, it's your turn after Aphrodite's stage."

Taking a deep breath, I summoned what little dignity I had left and quickly went backstage. My fingers lightly brush over the white lingerie and ballet gown I was wearing tonight. I let out a depressed sigh as I saw the woman I had become. Here I was, 26 and labelled as a slut. I only wanted to be a daughter, a friend, a lover, and a wife. Was it all too much to ask? But I felt myself drifting further away from my dream. It was an ocean away and I could not swim across to it.

When the music started, I walked slowly towards the middle of the stage, my mask in place. I closed my eyes for a brief second, removing Jennie's soul and channeling towards my body Juliet's. I swayed my hips to the side, taking the strap of my gown and pushing it seductively down my arm, letting the clothing fall on the floor. I did a couple of turns, tip-toeing to the edge of the stage as my hands moved to my back to unhook my brassiere, letting my breasts loose. The men watched the scene with rather amused eyes and loud praises, hearing them scream for me to remove my panty. I smile and bit my lip, waving my index finger "No" making them holler more. I danced the routine I did every night and finished with a split.

When I finished my part, I walked off the stage to cover my body with decency. Nearing the way to the back, a hand grabbed my elbow, and I was faced with a man personally carved by the gods. He was tall, broad- shouldered and his body frame so perfect. His eyes were brown and alluring. His shirt clung to his body, shaping itself onto his toned torso. His dark hair was a deep wave, and I yearned to run my fingers through it. His touch was gentle, but along with it I caught the sense of seduction.

"I'll meet you in the VIP room tonight. Be there in 10 minutes." His voice was deep, but hinted at midnight sex. I shivered, I was not allowed by the master to entertain customers at the VIP room. He left and so did I. I ran to my master's office and opened the door with a desperate bang.

"Jennie, what is it princess?" Master came from behind the table to come near, closing the door behind me. He was the only one who still called me Jennie, and he remained my constant reminder of who I truly was, Jennie, never Juliet. For the past nine years in the club, he treated me as his own family after he knew what happened to my mother, which was why he never allowed me to be within have a short distance in space with my audience.

"Someone wants me inside the VIP room. Master, what should I do?" He raised an eyebrow, irritated at my statement. He took my hand and we walked across the hallway to Jackie, who was ushering a new girl to the stage.

"Jackie, Jennie said someone wanted her in the VIP room. Tell him I cannot allow that." Jackie looked around before whispering in his ear. Master's eyes widened, surprise at what she had whispered. He sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry, princess, but I'm afraid you'll be in the VIP room tonight."

I yanked my hand away from his grip. "But master you said--"

"I'll have two men guard by the door. If anything happens, just scream. I promise you nothing bad will happen to you." Master walked me to the VIP room, and the scene looked like a father walking his daughter to the altar, trusting her well-being to another man. But neither of us knew this man, or I thought.

"You'll be alright, princess." He gave me a long kiss on both cheeks before opening the door and placing my mask on my face. I was still half-naked, but I didn't care, he had seen me already.

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