no good deed goes unpunished

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"You never told me she was a mother."

Lay stood in front of Suho's desk as he placed his cigarette on the ashtray.

"Will it make any difference?"

"She has a daughter. You can't be heartless enough to make a child motherless." Lay furiously spat, beating the seconds with his words, wanting to show his disapproval of Suho's next plan.

"She made a father and a mother lost their son, made a brother lost his brother. Tell me the difference if I take the life of this child's mother."

Lay shook his head. Suho had told him countless of times he had been selfish the moment he agreed to drug Jennie, but he could not be selfish enough to take the future moments that Jennie's child could have with her. He needn't be selfish at all. This outcome was his consequence for giving in to the weakness of his heart, the consequence that he knew would wake him every night at midnight, the consequence that would drive him into the madness of guilt whenever he sees a child without a mother.

He couldn't handle that.

"Don't tell me you're feeling guilty!" Suho slammed his hand on the table, but Lay remained indifferent.

"I'm not."

He needed this ticket out.

"Then take her to my garage."

"I can't do that."


Lay was struggling with his inner inhumanity, but he knew underneath the outer exterior was a sensitive man, a man that knew it was a grave act to take someone's life. His failure to do something would kill him mentally. He rushed outside his house, not hearing Suho's other shouts as he came inside his car, a certain place in mind.

Maybe it wasn't too late to make things right.


Jennie was inside the living room, playing with her daughter on the couch. Ever since her talk with Jisoo the night before, things have been slowly coming back to the way it was. Except, their love was not expressed intimately in their words and actions. The guilt and disappointment still hanging over their heads, and Jennie was not expecting that everything would be fixed. But every moment her hand would brush against Jisoo's skin, she would itch to hold her. Every moment she would stare at her lips, she would long to kiss her.

She felt her finger stuck in between two wet and soft ends. Jennie gazed down to see Lisa biting her finger. She giggled as she playfully tried to pry her finger away, earning excited squeals from her daughter. Jennie leaned so that her mouth was just above her daughter's face. "I love you, my baby."

Just then, Jisoo came in, bringing Lisa's toys with her. She sat on the other side of Lisa, cooing her.

"Hey there, baby."

As Jisoo showed her toys, Lisa reached for them, but only got to hold one, the cat.

"It's the first time she paid this much attention to it." Jennie whispered.

"Maybe she misses her like I do." Jisoo spoke, looking intently at Jennie.

Time heals all wounds. Maybe the phrase was one of the biggest lies ever said by the mouths of the many. Because a wound could not be easily healed by time if it were caused by someone you had given too much of yourself to. Not if the empty space left in your heart was in the form of the person that was the reason for your hurt.

So that was why Jisoo and Jennie held on to each other. They could not risk giving each other the pain of such sorrow.

"Jisoo, I--" Jennie was about to say her words of love when her phone rang on the table. Jisoo could only offer a little smile as Jennie excused herself to answer the phone.

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