back from korea

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Grace once again caught Jennie staring at the double doors of the suite.

The old woman laughed and arranged the pillows on the opposite couch. "She'll be home soon." Jennie tore her gaze away and looked at Grace, blinking in surprise.

"Oh, no! I wasn't... uhhh.." Jennie blurted out, then laughed nervously. Her eyebrows met as she searched for the right words to say. It had been almost two weeks when she last saw Jisoo ever since she left for the holidays. She didn't want to admit, but her days without her seemed, as friendly as to put it, inadequate. Grace shook her head and a mocking look on her face.

"See you when I see you."

Jisoo said those words before leaving for Korea after tapping her belly lightly. It was one of the few times she had touched her on free will without the intention to hurt her, emotionally that is. Jisoo's touch left a memory on her skin, and she couldn't simply hold her face without feeling Jisoo's hands.

No scars, just that feeling of skin. Jennie wouldn't mind if Jisoo left more.

Touch, a gentle one, was rather something devastating. She was not used to it. It made Jennie feel all kinds of things, the good ones.

"Don't worry, I won't tell her you've been practically waiting for the past two hours."

Jennie frowned, her bottom lip jutting out in a hilarious pout. "I was not." But her voice did hold any room for argument as she held her head down low like a bashful child. "I..." Once more she trailed off, because she knew it wasn't a lie. "O-okay."

She stood up and walked over to the kitchen to avoid divulging into the conversation any further. Jennie picked up the carton of milk from the fridge and deposited its content to the glass.

"New hair."

Jennie gasped in shock as she dropped the glass on the counter, spilling the milk all the way to the floor. It has been a while since she heard her husky voice. Jisoo stood by the kitchen wall with wearing a coat and a smile. Jennie's cheeks burned red as her eyes caught the familiar gray scarf that covered the whole of Jisoo's neck. Part of her had already convinced herself Jisoo would dispose such a hideous piece of mantilla, maybe she shouldn't have.

Jisoo was beautiful, just as she had always been. She had mastered the art of hiding her emotions, but the thrill she felt did not subside seeing the way Jennie reacted to her. She had held a supposed hate towards her, but it could not be denied she had missed the good-natured banters they had shared the moment she decided to be less of a bitch to the other bitch. It wasn't too bad as she had thought it would be.

She would have presumed a different woman had entered her suite when she had not seen that certain unique shade of blonde hair, but a flash of dark brown. Only when she took notice of her ever growing belly and porcelain skin did she know it was just Jennie. Being a brunette definitely did not do her any injustice. It suited her.

"Jisoo." A look of relief splashed across Jennie's face as she said her name like a holy mantra, softly and gently. Jisoo watched Jennie as she took a step towards her, but then stopped as she was confused whether to approach her or not after having her foot on the milk.

Deciding to have things easier for Jennie even just this once, Jisoo took a rag from the hook near her and strode towards her. She dropped it on the floor to dry out the spilled milk.

"You're here." Jennie replied as their eyes met each other.

Jisoo snorted with laughter and moved the rag with her foot. "Obviously. What, are you blind?"

Jennie did not know why, but there was a slight, note, slight, urge to welcome Jisoo with an embrace. Having her this close, Jennie could practically smell her perfume radiating off her. She had done so in the past, but the circumstance they were in was different. They had had civil conversations, but she didn't think Jisoo would consider themselves as friends. Should she risk it again? Risk having the woman's wrath upon her, and her refusal after she had done the act.

But she promised to herself, that she would start saving herself, saving Jisoo from her sin. She had done wrong, but that did not make her a devil. It was time to turn their own selves, the victims, into survivors. An embrace would not mend Jisoo's broken self, but it wouldn't make it any worse, wouldn't it?

While Jisoo was occupied with the rag, Jennie walked a little bit more closer to Jisoo, still resolving her inner conflict. But what was she to do when Jisoo has already looked up from the floor into her own eyes? As she had heard Jisoo said many times before, fuck this shit.

Jennie wrapped her arms around Jisoo and brought her close to her body, into the same embrace she had lead her into. She sank her face into Jisoo's shoulder as she felt her belly pushing into Jisoo's toned one. She felt Jisoo stiffen against her, but she clutched a bit tighter to her. If Jisoo would push her away, then she'd let go.

Jisoo did not expect what she had received, seeming lost in Jennie's arms. It was intrusion to her privacy, and she should refuse. Yet her mind was a tumble of thoughts, so was what she felt. For a moment, she frowned, thinking of cringing far from Jennie. She did not like the way Jennie embraced her. She did not like how she was so gentle, how she was so warm. Jisoo awkwardly placed her arms on Jennie's back, afraid the she might stop hugging her if she didn't.

She did not like it, because she knew if it would become frequent, she would slowly learn to love it, to get use to having her body close to her own. It was too intimate.

"Welcome back." The moment the words left Jennie's mouth, Jisoo let the comfort spread as she relaxed.

"I'm home." And she wasn't sure if she had said the words loud enough for Jennie to hear, but the fact remained that she had said them.

"Jennie? Are you still in the kitchen?" Just like the other time, Grace interrupted their moment.

Jisoo gently removed herself from Jennie's embrace and stepped a distance backward. The moment Grace entered the kitchen and saw Jisoo, she enveloped her in a bear hug, leaving Jisoo wondering where the old woman got her strength from. "You're back!"

Once they broke away, Grace turned to face Jennie. "See? I told you she'll be here soon."

Jennie blinked as a pink blush feathered across her cheeks.

"Jennie had been waiting for two hours. Her eyes were practically stuck looking at the door, I even thought of removing them and tossing them to the sky for her to see where you were." Grace whispered to Jisoo, but Jennie still caught on to her words.

Jennie turned to the counter, away from their gazes as the pink's shade on her face turned darker.

"Really?" Jisoo raised her eyebrows, giving Jennie a smirk, trying to hide the still evident warmth in her body with a joke. "She must have missed me, then." Jisoo glared at Jennie, who was still avoiding her gaze.

"Oh, she has." Grace nodded. Jennie cleared her throat as she took the glass and placed it on the sink.

"I should probably change."

"You should probably admit you miss her." Grace added. Jennie walked faster away from the kitchen to her room.

Grace and Jisoo shared a laugh as Jisoo wiped the remaining milk on the counter, when Grace once again spoke. "I really do think she missed you."

Jisoo smiled sadly, but knowingly. "I know."

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