The contract

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My name is Bella Russo and today is my eighteenth birthday. All my life I knew my family was different everywhere we went there was bodyguards and guns. We couldn't go out to the park and play with the other kids or go to a normal school. We were always kept protected no matter what and it was only when I turned sixteen that I found out why.

My father is the head of the south side of the Italian mafia. All those stories I see on the news and in the newspapers about murders drugs and everything you can imagine it was about us. It took me a long time before I could come to terms with the fact that my dad ruled such a thing. But they weren't just a gang who would one day disappear this was generations of people all over the world. My grandfather and his grandfather before him were all mafia leaders. My brother will one day take over and that sickens me.

"Bella please come down your father wants to see you in his office" my mother calls. I open my room door and walk downstairs. I had a lovely day today and the gifts that everyone got me where beautiful. From the new diamond necklace around my neck to the Gucci heels mom got me I sure did get spoiled. I walk to my father's office and gently knock on the door. I learned early on that you never enter without knocking.

"Come in," says my father's rough voice. I enter his massive office with the tall bookshelves and dark wood with dark leather sofas. Even his desk is dark cherry wood. I sit down in the chair across from him and cross my leg over my knee.

"You wanted to see my father?" I say.

"Yes well, I wanted to talk to you about something my dear but firstly did you have a good birthday?"

"I had the best day thank you father"

"Right well this isn't easy for me Bella because as you know your my firstborn daughter and I love you but this has happened through generations and I can't put a stop to it now but every firstborn daughter of the leader is to be married when they turn eighteen and unfortunately this year it's you, my princess,"

I look at him in shock not known what to say. There is no way he would allow this? This can't be happening.

"Father is this some sort of joke there is no way you'd allow this surely?"

"I would stop it if I could Bella but unfortunately I can't your to be married to Luca Ricci next month the date has been set and that is all I want to hear about it you will marry him and that is final this will bring both family's together which is a good thing because we need to show a strong front especially with everything that has been happening with the east side now I have some phone calls to make I will see you tomorrow good night Princessa I love you" I look at him in shock as the tears flow down my cheeks. I get up and run out of his office and upstairs to my room. I lie on my pink bed cover and cry as I wonder how my life took such a tragic turn.


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