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As everyone gathers into my office I begin to hand out the picture of the man we are now looking for. I found it suspicious that he went missing the day after Bella was found but he has worked for me for years and I never thought he would betray me like this.

He is someone I took on as one of my main guards. He was a friend to me before he worked for me for many years and we have had some good times together. To think he was secretly Bella's brother all along just confuses and angers me. He always said his mother and father where dead and that he didn't really know them well.

That was obviously a lie. But I just don't understand why he would hate Bella so much? She has never done anything to him before, in fact, she likes him and sees him as a friend as do I. It also makes me wonder why he befriended me and why he asked to work for me.

I wonder if it was to get close to the famiglia's so that he could get close to his father Emiliano. I also wonder why Emiliano did not take him as his son and look after him. He is older than the rest of his other five children which means he was with someone before Mrs Russo.

I have so many questions and not enough answers. It's time to track him down and get my wife back. I will also take him and I will get the answers I need. He should have taken the money Emiliano left him and he should have disappeared because there is a whole lot of hell coming his way.

"So as you all can see you now know who we are after he has Bella and he is also Bella's brother I visited Emiliano's lawyer today and I made him tell me so now we have to find out where they are," I say and everyone begins to talk amongst themselves.

Everyone says how they don't understand and how could he do this. How he was so trusted and it just proves you cannot trust anyone.

"What is your plan of action brother?" Dante says.

"Yeah let's find this bastard and get your wife back" Lorenzo shouts.

"Calm down we need to start searching for any houses or places that is in his name we also need to look through a list of all of our men and check which ones are missing it is more likely that they have joined him we also know now why our businesses were falling short on money and why we were getting raids so hopefully that will now stop but apart from that if you find anything call me immediately now get to work, " With that all my men leave except my brothers and father.

My father walks over to me and sits down. I pour us each a drink and we down them. "We will get her back son I promise and I also know it will be eating you up inside because it was one of your own men but the same happened to me when I first took over there is always going to be a rat son money and power talks you know that now focus on getting her back and making him suffer, " nod in response and I rise and walk to my computer.

I begin to go through everything I can think of to try and flush this rat once and for all.


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