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Bella past out and they whisked her away. They told me she lost to much blood from the delivery and that they needed to repair some internal injury's. She has been in surgery for over two hours and my mother has been taking care of Alessandro.

They asked me if they wanted him taken to the nursery but I said no. They don't have enough security in this hospital for me to have peace of mind and I know my other would rather die than let anything happen to him. As I wait on these uncomfortable chairs outside of the hospital my brother Dante joins me.

"How are you holding up Fratello?" He asks.

"I am good Fratello I am just worried about Bella," I say.

"She is tough Luca she has been through so much since your wedding and she is still fighting and she will continue to fight," Dante says.

"Thank you, brother, take care of things whilst I am busy will you?" I say.

"Always" is all he says before he rises and walks away. The doors to the surgery room open and they wheel Bella out. She looks so pale and small in her bed covered in wires.

They wheel her to a room and I follow. Her surgeon sits done with me as we begin to discuss what happened and how she is.

"Well Mr Ricci your wife had several internal tears caused by the birth we have repaired them and she also lost a lot of blood so we have her on a transfusion she is also on an IV of antibiotics to prevent infection and we will just have to monitor her and see how she does is there any questions?"

"There are no questions but I do have a request you know who I am and I need to make sure my wife and child will be safe so I need this area closed off and extra security to surround the area?" I say.

"That's fine Mr Ricci all other patients will be moved immediately to other rooms and I will call security please come and find me if you need anything further" with that the doctor exits and I walk towards my wife.

She will be waking soon and I plan to be here when she does. I send a text to my mother letting her know where we are and where to bring Alessandro to.

A few minutes later my mother opens the door and walks in followed by my father. My mother places Alessandro into my arms and I begin to rock him gently. He looks even smaller in my arms and I still can't believe we created such a beautiful creature.

I walk over to the cot beside his mother's bed and I place him in it gently. I walk over to my mother and kiss her cheek. "I'll be back in a moment watch them both for me," I say and she nods.

I walk out with my father and we sit on the chairs. "I spoke to the doctor he is moving all the other patients to different rooms and he will be doubling up on security until we can leave"

"Well, that's good son after everything that has happened recently they cannot be left alone even for a second I also want to say congratulations you two made me a beautiful grandchild I guess you were glad I forced you into this marriage after all eh?"

"Sì father I am it was what I needed all along I just hope to be the same boss you where for all those years," I say and he nods.

"You already are a better boss than I ever was my son don't ever doubt your self" Before I can reply the door to Bella's room opens and my mother walks out.

"She's awake Luca" is all she says before I rise and rush inside.


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