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Finally, after two weeks we have found something. We have managed to find a brothel house something that chills me to the core. Apparently, he bought it a couple of years back and he didn't sign it into his name instead he signed it into his mother's name. Something that seems quite sick minded as his mother is dead.

I gathered every man that I trusted and we loaded up. It was a three-hour drive and I felt like I couldn't sit still for a second. To think of what may be happening to my wife in that brothel left me sick to my stomach. I can assure you I will make him suffer more than he could ever imagine.

Alessandro has grown so much in the last few weeks and it kills me to see it and for Bella to miss it. She only had a week with our son before she was taken and I know I am responsible. She was right to hate me all those months ago because all of this is my fault. From her being shot and losing our first child to her being kidnapped once again and missing out on special moments with our second child.

I should of let her go months ago so she could live a good life. A life away from me and this world and if she is still with us that is exactly what I am going to do. I know it's what I have to do even if it will kill me. We arrive at the brothel and we go over the plan once again.

We all exit the cars and walk towards the front. My men go around the back and cover every exit. Dante opens the front door and we walk right in. There is a various woman around with clients and as we begin to let off shots they start to scream and run away.

Men appear and they are soon gunned down. Once the front is clear we begin to search every room. We open some doors to see a woman and barely of age teenagers in various stages of undress making me even angrier. They're all told to leave and never come back and they happily oblige. We search every room and they come up empty she isn't in any of them. We head down a flight of stairs bringing us underground it's filthy and dirty and the smell makes my stomach turn.

There are cells down here and as I look through them I see there is one with a bed and handcuffs. There is a plate that has been smashed and there is blood laying on the floor. I exit the cell and make my way to the next room. Before I open the door that's when I hear it. A scream echos throughout the underground and I recognise it immediately as Bella's.

I grab the door and rip it open. What I see in front of me breaks me into a million pieces and that takes a lot. I have seen some things in this line of business I have even done some of them I have seen blood guts and more but none of it bothered me. But seeing my wife strapped to a table covered in blood with cuts all over her stomach and legs as he cuts into her makes my blood run cold.

He turns around and his face goes pale. He drops the knife and reaches into the waistband of his slacks to get his gun but I'm faster. I point my gun at him and I shoot him in both his knee caps. He falls to the ground and Lorenzo steps forward and kicks him in the face. He takes the gun out of his hand and hits him in the skull with it making him pass out. I walk over to Bella and I begin to undo the straps around her arms and legs. I pick her up and her eyes open slightly as she places her hand over my face and then into my hair.

She passes out once again and I run through the room and up the stairs. I get her in the car and I wrap my jacket around her to try and keep her warm and to try and stop the bleeding. Dante and Lorenzo put him in the back of the SUV and we pull away just as the building explodes.

I watch as flames erupt out of it and in to the sky and I say a silent prayer hoping my wife is okay. Hoping she didn't suffer any more than what shows on the outside.


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