Wedding prep

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Today I try on my wedding dress. A dress I did not get to pick any my mother picked it because I flat out refused. She also picked the bridesmaids dresses for my bridesmaids whoever they may be. I'm sitting at my vanity combing my hair as I stare off into the distance.

"BELLA PLEASE COME DOWN HERE WE HAVE TO HAVE A FITTING" My mother calls. I groan and lay down my brush as I exit my room and walk downstairs. Walking into the front room I see my mother has it all set up. There are my dress and bridesmaid dresses. There is also a fitter wedding planner a chef. A flower arranger and more sitting on my mother's luxurious sofa.

"Right let's get this dress on and see how it looks shall we Bella?" Mother says excitedly.

"Yes, mother of course" Is all I say before the lady picks up my dress and walks past me. I follow her to the downstairs bathroom and she helps me put it on. I turn to look in the mirror and I have to admit I like it. My mother usually picks out my clothes so she knows what I like. The dress is a plain white lace with some detail on the bodice it has lace sleeves and it flows out at the bottom with small diamonds glittering through the fabric.

As I look in the mirror a tear escapes my eye. I quickly wipe it away. I thought I would be excited about my wedding day. I thought I would have fun planning it with my mother and my fiancé but instead, I am dreading it something no bride should ever feel. "Hurry up Bella let's see the dress," My mother says on the other side of the door.

I open it and step out and my mother smiles. The bridesmaids which are my two cousins my two sisters and two women I haven't met before begin to clap. "You look beautiful Princessa I knew I chose well now take it off and let's get to work we have only two weeks left to plan" I walk back into the bathroom and the kind lady helps me take it off.

I dress and look at my appearance in the mirror. Once everything is presentable and back how it was I walk out and into the front room. I sit down and cross my knee over my leg as my mother begins to introduce me to the unknown woman.

"Bella this is Lucas sister Angelina," She says referring to the woman.

"Hello it's lovely to meet you," I say.

"It's lovely to meet you also my brother is so lucky to be marrying you and at least now I have a sister instead of only having three brothers," says the blonde smiling. So she must be Angelina. She looks like Luca the same blonde her and green eyes.

I look away and my mother begins to fire question after question at me. I decide that this wedding will be happening whether I want it to or not so I might as well have some things I like. I decide on roses for the flowers because they are my favourite. We go through the seating plan even though I couldn't care less who sits where.

We finish the rest of the details and once I say goodbye to Angelina I go to my room to lay down. I haven't slept since my father told me of the horrible news. It's beginning to catch up to me because I now have bags under my eyes something I have never had before and it's making me look twice my age.

Two weeks that's how long I have left to spend in my family home and enjoy my independence before I become a wife to someone I hate and loathe.


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