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My phone rings and I pick it up immediately when I see it's my father calling. It is 5 AM and I know he would not be calling if it wasn't urgent.

"Hello, father?" I say anxiously.

"Luca I just received a phone call from Bella men have broken into the house and her and Angel is locked in the safe room at the library we need to act immediately?" He says breathlessly.

My heart begins to race as I think of my wife and sister locked in a room with men all around the house. "Father takes all the men you can and get to the house kill anyone who is not part of the Russo family I will be there as soon as I can" With that I hang up and get dressed. I was leaving Milan today any way. I make a call to Dante and tell him what is going on and that we have to leave immediately.

I exit the room and I see all my brothers are waiting for me. We walk through the hotel and to the car awaiting outside. Once inside conversation begins almost instantly as questions are fired at me. "What is going on brother?" Lorenzo asks.

"After my meeting yesterday and how it went sour I told Bella to go to her parents house and to take Angel with her it seems men have stormed the house and Bella along with Angel have managed to lock them selfs in the safe room in the library so it seems Mr Regnante wasn't joking when he made the threat against my wife so make a call and have his second in command taken and his wife I want him tortured and sent back to Regnante in pieces as for his wife I will deal with her do you understand?"

"Yes, Luca it will be done," Dante says.

We arrive at our jet and get on board. We take of almost instantly and I await the 10 hour flight. I feel dread and worry seep through me something I never feel. I never feel worried at all but since I married Bella it's all I seem to do in recent days.

I will make sure the people who done this suffers. I will set this world on fire and coat it in blood just so I can get my point across. No one makes a threat against my family or the Ricci name and lives to tell the tale. Mr Regnante is about to find out exactly what I can do. Ever since I took over from my father he hasn't liked it. He has thinned my patience and that is why I flew out to Milan to meet with him and get it sorted once and for all but when we arrived at the meeting it was over before it began.

He does not think some one of my age can run the north side mafia and the Chicago outfit. He kept on and on until I eventually had enough and told him exactly how and what will be happening. He didn't like that fact and he made a threat against Bella. I then returned the threat to every single one of his family and men which resulted in a stare of and me leaving.

My phone rings and I answer. "Father did you get her is she okay?" I ask.

"I have her she is fine Luca both her and Angel is, unfortunately, Arabella was shot she's dead and so are some of Emiliano's men everyone else is fine" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Put her on the phone" I hear rustling then Bella's voice comes through the phone.

"Hello is that you Luca?" She says softly.

"Yes, it's me Princessa are you okay?"

"I am fine mother was killed though" she says as a sob escapes her. Before I can reply I hear shouting. There's a scream before a gun goes of. "BELLA ARE YOU THERE WHAT IS HAPPENING?" I shout over the phone.

"Brother it's me angel you have to get here right now Bella has been shot" with that the phone goes dead as my heart practically stops.

"MAKE THIS JET GO FASTER RIGHT NOW MY WIFE NEEDS ME" I shout making everyone jump.


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