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As I hold on to my wives hand as we drive home I clutch her neck as blood drips from her. "DANTE HURRY UP" I roar and he puts his foot down.

I shouldn't have left her to go talk business but she was in a room full of people. How she managed to get to that room and get cut open Is what I plan to find out. We pull up to the house and I exit the car whilst carrying her inside. I run into the medical room we have and our Doctor is waiting. I put her on the bed and he begins to place gauzes over the cut.

He wipes it and gets to work on stitching her up. She had to have twenty stitches and the Doctor told me it will leave a scar. Something that left me twisted up inside. I help my mother undress her and we dress her in her nightwear. The doctor then decides to check on the baby and do an ultrasound.

He takes out this laptop which is actually ultrasound equipment. He tells me to lift up her shirt and I do as he asks. He gets to work on doing the ultrasound and he tells me to have a quick look at the laptop screen. There on the screen is a little black and white shape. It is wriggling and moving and my heart starts to beat out of my chest.

That is our child I cannot believe I got to see this special moment. The doctor puts the equipment away and begins to take her blood pressure. "Your very lucky Mr Ricci your wife and son may not have made it if she was left to bleed out you need to take extra care of her" I look at the doctor as his words register.

"Son? We're having a boy?" I say shock evident in my voice.

"Yes Mr Ricci you and Bella are having a son congratulations," he says and I look at Bella.

She wanted to keep the gender of our child a secret. We haven't had much to look forward to so she thought it would be a surprise for when they arrived. She will be disappointed to know that the Doctor has told me. But we have more to worry about right now as someone is after my wife. I just don't realise why they didn't kidnap her or murder her when they had the chance.

Her hand begins to move in mine. "Bella are you okay? How are you feeling?" I say and she slowly opens her eyes. Her hand goes to her neck as she winces when she touches the bandages. "Don't touch your neck Princessa you have stitches?" I say and she pulls her hand away.

"Luca I was so scared he threatened me and then cut me I thought I was going to die" She cries out and I lean down and cradle her close to my chest.

"Shhh, it's okay Bella both you and our son are healthy and I promise I will protect you both" she wipes away the stray tears that are running down her cheeks as she looks at me with confusion.

"We don't know our child is a boy Luca for all we know our child could be a girl all I care about is that he or she is healthy," she says and gently rubs her stomach.

"Well we do know as the Doctor had to do an ultrasound to check on our child he accidentally told me that we're having a boy how good is that Bella? We have a son" I say and watch as her face lights up with happiness.

"Seriously we're having a baby boy? I can't believe it" she says on a cry. She holds me close and we just revel in the fact we're having a son.

I am glad we are having a boy as I needed an heir to take over from me if anything was to happen to me. I know we will have more children in the future and I hope we have a daughter but right now I am happy with what we have.

The doctor tells us Bella has the all-clear to go upstairs to our room so I carry her there. One by one my family which is now hers come to check on her. Once they're done the maid brings dinner up and I clear my schedule for today. We lay in bed and eat dinner and talk about names.

Bella wants something unique and I want something that is powerful. We laugh and talk until she falls asleep. I then leave her to rest as I walk to my office ready to find this shadow once and for all.


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