Wedding day

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Today I marry Bella and become the leader of my father's mafia. I have waited so long for this day not because I am to be married but because today I take over. Today I show the world that I am a leader and they will obey me.

I dress in a suit that was chosen for the wedding. Bella's mother did most of the plans or so I heard because Bella her self did not want to choose anything. She doesn't want to marry me just as I don't want to marry her but we don't have a choice this was put in place before we were even born.

Once I dress I walk downstairs to see my father and brothers dressed similar to me. I pour a whiskey and gulp it down. "Son please follow me to my office so we can talk," my father says and I know this is it.

Walking into his office I sit down as does he. He hands me a paper and I read over it. This is the rules of the mafia and if don't agree with them I don't become the leader and if I disobey them I will be killed. I sign it and hand it to my father. He goes over everything with me and then he stands. Coming around to my side of the desk he hugs me close then pulls away.

"I am proud of your son I always knew you would take over from me and I always knew you would be a good leader just know I will always be here to guide you"

"I appreciate that father thank you for making me who I am and for believing in me we better go the wedding is in an hour," I say looking at my watch.

"Before we go promise me one thing promise me you will try. Try to love her and try to let her love you because behind every powerful man is a powerful woman always remember that" I nod as we exit the office.

We drive to the selected church one that all the mafia family's come to. I enter and wait down the aisle as my brother joins me by my side. Everyone is already seated and as I look around the music begins. I turn to see Bella walk down the aisle with her father. Her dress is beautiful and it moves with her every step. She won't look me in the eyes she is just looking at her feet and it begins to piss me off.

They reach us and her father gives me her hand as he kisses her cheek. She gives her flowers to her sister and I lift her veil. Finally, she looks at me and she does look beautiful. Even though her eyes have tears in them and she looks like she wants to be anywhere other than here.

We say our vows and once we're done the priest tells us we're man and wife. He says you may kiss the bride and I notice Bella inhales a breath. I decide not to torture her so I lean in and kiss her cheek she turns her face away from mine but I just smile as everyone claps.

"You will suffer for that Bella no one disobeys or embarrasses me in public ever so you will learn your place now" I whisper in her ear. She begins to walk away but I grab her hand. I tighten my hold on it as we walk down the aisle and towards the awaiting cars.


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