New beginning

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As I awoke from my deep sleep the first thing I saw was Alessandro. He was so grown and I cried with sadness and joy. As Asmara handed him to me I nearly screamed with happiness right then. I cuddled him close and he went to sleep over my heart as he had never left. I looked around for Luca and Asmara told me he had to go attend to business.

I asked her for her phone so I could call him. He told me he'd be here soon. I asked Asmara if she could help me wash and at least comb my hair as I must look horrendous. I placed Alessandro on my bed and I walked into the bathroom. I stripped down and washed the parts of my body that weren't covered in bandages.

Soon enough the door opened and in walked Luca looking as handsome as ever. He walked to me immediately and shut the bathroom door. He helped me dress and comb my hair and then he helped me back into bed. I knew the second I saw him that something was different about him. I don't know if it was finding out that his trusted friend and the one he appointed to watch me was actually the one trying to get me. Maybe it has hurt him more than I imagined.

He doesn't talk much but I and Angel make small talk along with Asmara. Soon enough they leave and tell me they will visit later. As a heavy silence falls over us I have enough and I just ask him outright what is wrong.

"Bella I am so sorry I did not know he was your brother or that he wanted some sick revenge because of what your father did it's clear now that I will never be able to look after you," He says in a solemn voice.

"Luca you saved me because of you I am back with my son and you," I say.

"It is not enough Bella I should have had you back the very same day you were taken not two fucking weeks later look at your beautiful body now it will be covered in scars and tarnished for life and I wish I could kill him a thousand times because of it but I can't I am so sorry" He says and I know something big is about to come.

"Luca, I may now have scars but you will still love me like this and I will learn to love myself as well I will not let him win and destroy the life I was really lucky as I would not have made it another day if you hadn't of finding me I love you Luca" I say and he turns away.

It's then I see an envelope in his hand and he places it in front of me. "I know what I have to do and I am doing it the contract has been terminated and this is divorce papers I have made sure you are provided for both you and Alessandro I am finally giving you what I should have done months back I am letting you go, " with that he rises and kisses my cheek.

He takes Alessandro from my arms and he walks out. I open the paperwork and I begin to cry as I read through it. All those times I asked him to let me go and to give me a divorce and now that he has it's a million miles away from what I want. I know now that I will have to fight even harder to prove to him this wasn't his fault and to try and pry my way back into my husband's heart.


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