Wedding reception

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We walk into the reception and everyone cheers for us. We walk over to our table and sit down as everyone joins us. The first course is served immediately but I just turn it away.

As I look around the room everyone is eating drinking wine and having fun. I look around trying to see an exit but it's pointless every exit is out in the open and my exit would be too noticeable. A hand tightens on my knee and I look down to see Luca's hand wrapped around it.

"Don't even think about running remember if you do it ends in death and I will make sure it's a very painful one?" He says as he sips on his champagne. The waiters take the first course away and serve the main.

I tell them to take it away once again but Luca tells the waitress to leave it. Once she walks away he turns towards me. He must look like the loving husband as he leans into me to whisper in my ear when in reality he is the devil in disguise.

"Eat something everyone is beginning to stare at you stop being stupid for once will you?" He says pulling away. I pick up my fork and begin to eat some potatoes. Steak and potatoes are my favourites and at least my mother chose one thing right even though I can't bring myself to eat any more because my stomach feels queasy with nerves.

All too soon it's time for the first dance and Luca stands and grabs my hand pulling me with him. We walk to the middle of the dance floor and I hang my head low too embarrassed to look around at everyone's faces as they stare at us. A song begins to play one I don't know and we begin to move slowly. I let Luca guide me whichever way he wants and as he spins me around a tear slides down my cheek and everyone awes as I wipe it away.

As I lean my head on Luca's shoulder his scent surrounds me and just for a second I close my eyes and let my self-image that this is my real wedding day. I dream that the man who is dancing with me and who has his arms wrapped tightly around me as he holds me close is actually my dream husband and someone I love.

But when our guests including our parents start shouting. "Bacio" "Bacio" My heart begins to hammer in my chest. As I pull away from Luca he grabs my chin and lowers his lips to mine. I'm frozen and as he descends on me I just stay still and let him kiss me. His lips feel soft and gentle and for a moment I let myself enjoy it. That is before he goes to the shell of my ear and kisses me there whilst whispering to me. "You have to stop acting as if your a million places away from where you want to be and start acting like the wife I want before I get angry?" With that, he pulls away leaving me fuming.

I turn and walk back to my chair but he's hot on my heels. He grabs my arm and squeezes and pulls me behind him to our chairs. As he sits down he downs his glass of champagne and tells the waiter to give him a whiskey. As he sits beside me his jaw ticks and I look straight ahead at my family who is none the wiser of how they have basically flushed my life down the toilet.


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