Red roses

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As I look around the room the first thing I see is blood red roses. It seems fitting as all I can remember is the warm red liquid coating my hands and the floor. I passed out and this is the first time I have woken.

Luca is sitting in a chair suit jacket and his shirt has a couple of buttons undone along with rolled-up sleeves. His hair looks as if he has run his fingers through it a thousand times and he's sporting a light peppering of stubble. I have never seen him so unkempt and it's making me think maybe I am worse than what I feel.

"Luca?" I croak and he immediately rises and walks towards me. He grabs my hand and sits on the chair beside me.

"Are you okay Bella how are you feeling?" He asks worry evident in his voice.

"I don't feel too bad but my stomach hurts a lot what happened I only remember being shot?"

"Well as you know men broke into your parent's house you locked yourself and Angelina in the safe room my father and his men saved you but unfortunately one of the men got free they shot you and you had to be rushed into surgery immediately that was two days ago," He says.

"I have been out for two days?" I say shocked. My face pales as my heart rate increases I put my hand on my stomach and Luca watches my move. I know by the solemn look on his face that my thoughts are confirmed.

"No please tell me the baby is okay please no?" I say a sob escaping.

"I am so sorry Bella the baby didn't make it the bullet was lodged directly above the womb and placenta they also had to remove one of your Fallopian tubes which means it will be difficult for you to get pregnant again in the future," He says.

I begin to sob as I pull away from him. I kick and scream and tear at my hair making my stitches in my stomach reopen. Blood seeps out of my bandages but I don't give up fighting Luca or the doctors until they finally give me an injection to sedate me.

As I slip under again I whisper one thing.

"This is your fault this is all your fault," I say and I watch as Luca's face darkens.


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