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As I walk in to the bathroom I lock the door behind me and turn on the faucet. I place the cotton face towel underneath and soak it. I then hold it to my forehead before placing it on my neck. I suddenly feel very hot and angry and although I would like nothing more than to stay here I know people would have seen me leave which means I can't stay here forever or they will guess something is up and I have had enough embarrassment for one day with out every one finding out about Luca and his mistress.

I exit the bathroom and I see a man in a black suit is waiting beside the rest room. As I go to walk away he grabs my wrist and I turn to look at him. He has dark jet black hair and his eyes look as if they match his hair pure black and soulless. He grins and I try to pry my wrist from his hand.

"Now now no need to run away cagna after all we had to meet at some point? I am Gino and you must be the lovely Bella I have been hearing so much about?"

"Who are you?" I say in a steady voice even though my heart is beating out of my chest.

Before he can answer Luca is beside me and pulling my wrist out of his grasp. Luca places me behind him and I watch as his posture becomes rigged and his back straightens making him stand at his full height and look as intimidating as ever. "What are you doing with your hands on my wife Gino?"

The man now known to me as Gino smirks at Luca making him grow even angrier. "I was merely saying hello to the beautiful Bella here there isn't a problem with that is there?"

"You know fine well there is I don't want a soldier of the east side mafia talking to my wife and especially not placing his hands on her now listen once as that is the only time I will say this if you act out of place again I will shoot you now please excuse me and my wife we have to return to lunch" Luca turns grabs my arm and we walk back to the dinning room. Everyone is seated and Luca excuses us saying I feel suddenly sick and we won't be able to join them.

They all look at me disapprovingly as we turn and walk out. We get our coats and then walk out to Luca's car. We get in and he begins to drive home his hands clench the wheel as he takes the turns of the road at a high speed. I clutch the side of the door and my seatbelt as he increases the speed. I look at the speedometer and it reads 140 miles per hour making my heart rate increase.

We pull up to the house and drive along the driveway still not speaking. He parks and gets out not bothering to open my door. I exit and follow behind him up the stairs and to our room. I walk in to the closet and grab some night clothes before exiting the room. I walk to the guest room and enter stripping my clothes and putting my nightclothes on.

I get into bed but don't sleep that night as nightmare after nightmare interrupts my sleep.


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