benvenuto al mondo

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As I push and push nothing happens. I am tired and I have been in labour for 26 hours. I am finally at the last stage and I feel like I can't do it. I feel useless as a mother already and my son isn't even born yet.

As the Doctors try to make me feel better by telling me soothing words it doesn't register with me. I ignore them as another pain rips through me. Someone grabs my hand and I turn to see Luca standing beside my bed.

"Listen to me Princessa you can do this now push when you're told to bring our son into the world," Luca says and I grab his hand.

"Right Bella last push come on you can do it," Mrs Ricci says.

I hold on to Luca's hand as I put all my strength into this final push. As I do I feel my son come out and be born into the world. They whisk him away as I lay there and take in a breath and Luca places a towel on my head to cool me down.

I look over to where they took my son but I don't hear anything. Luca's mother is standing with her hand covering her mouth and panic begins to surge through me. "Why isn't he crying? What is wrong" I say in a panicked voice.

I pray to god. I pray that our son is okay and healthy. I pray that I get to keep this baby as I couldn't bare for another child to be ripped away from me and once I'm done I hear this almighty loud cry. I sob as I listen to him use his lungs and I look over to Luca as his eyes water.

He lets out a breath as he kisses me gently. "I could never thank you enough for giving me the best gift ever a son Bella I promise to take care of you both always I love you," He says.

"I love you too Mr Ricci," I say as Mrs Ricci walks over to me. She is holding our son in a white blanket and as she places him on my chest I cry silently. He looks so much like his father and his face is still swollen so I can't imagine how much of a twin he will be to him once his swelling goes down.

I gently kiss his forehead as I inhale his baby smell. A smell that will stay with me forever. Everyone tells you that once you have a child it is a surge of love you have never felt before and they are right. I would die for my son and I wouldn't even blink an eye. This has proven to me that there is a totally different side to life once you have children.

I give him to Luca and our son grabs on to his finger and tightens his fist. Luca kisses his head as I did and he just stares at him. "Benvenuto nel mondo Figlio" He whispers to him in Italian which means welcome to the world son.

"What shall we name him?" I say as exhaustion begins to take over.

"What about Alessandro Ricci?" He says.

"I love it, Luca that will be his name baby Alessandro Luca Ricci welcome to the world baby boy," I say before machines start to beep and everything turns black.


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