Gun fire

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I awake to people shouting and guns firing. I immediately get up and open my door. I make sure it's clear before I run down the hall and open Angels room. She is just waking up so I run towards her window to see what is happening.

The gates to my parents house are now smashed open. There is three large SUVs now parked outside. I see various men shooting at each other and my heart rate picks up.

"What on earth is going on?" Angel asks.

"I don't know Angel but we have to get some where and stay there until Luca comes let's go now" I walk to the door and open it. I make sure it's clear and then we run down the hall to the library. I know there is a safe room in there for emergencies like this and I just hope we can get to it in time. I open the door to the library but everything is in darkness.

We walk in and I look around for the the bookcase that holds the safe room behind it. I pull every book of the shelf's but it still isn't opening. I continue to try every book as my heart beats frantically in my chest. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer and as I pull the last book of the shelf the bookshelf opens revealing the large metal door.

I feel around until I reach the little pad. I tap in the code as best I can with out seeing the numbers and by some miracle it works. I pull the handle and open the door just as the door to the library flys open. There stand two men dressed in fancy suits holding guns.


She runs In to the safe room as I shut the door quickly behind us just as bullets hit the steel door. The lights comes on and I press the lock down button which locks down the whole house. If we're not leaving then either are they until Luca arrives.

"I'm so scared Bella what do they want why are they doing this?" Angel asks.

I grab her hand and hold her close. "Angel I have no idea why they are doing this but I think it may be the same reason as to why Luca asked us to come to my parents house but it will be okay I promise" I let go of Angel and walk to the small fridge. I grab us two waters and I sit down on the make shift beds that where installed. My father really went all out when he had this made.

It has a shower cubicle toilet a double bed and various single beds. It has a small kitchen and fridge so at least me and Angel will be okay until tomorrow. I see the phone and I grab it. "Angel do you know anyone's number so I can tell them what is happening?" I say hopefully.

"Yes I know fathers number" With that she walks over to me and taps the number in. It rings and rings and just when I think he won't answer he does.

"Mr Ricci thank god people have stormed my parents house me and Angel are locked in the safe room in the library but I don't know what has happened to everyone else?"

"Calm down Bella and stay there no matter who comes to that safe room do not open the door we will be there shortly" With that he hangs up. I and Angel sit on the bed as we await what happens next.


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