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We sit at one of the many tables lining the Delonghi household. I and Luca make small talk with the rest of the guests as we eat dinner. Luca leaves to talk with Mr Delongi and I sit with Mrs Delongi and a few of the other woman.

"You are so lucky to be married to someone like Luca some of us did not get so lucky," A woman called Arina says.

I look to her and her eyebrow is raised as I look her up and down. I know she was married to a man much older than her someone who I would hate to be married to and I do feel sorry for her but there is no need for her to act and sound so petty.

"I am extremely lucky to be married to Luca he is very thoughtful and intelligent not to mention he worships me it's a shame some do not get so lucky," I say and she stands and walks away.

As she walks away I drink my orange juice and begin to talk with the rest of the lady's. "How are you feeling in your pregnancy Bella? I was so sorry to hear about your other child" A woman called Nina says.

I smile at her before I reply because she is a very nice woman. So is her husband me and Luca have had dinner with them a few times and I would class her as one of my friends. "I feel very well although I suffered from very bad sickness at the beginning it has subsided now and although this baby will never replace our other child it somewhat heals the gaping hole in my heart slightly having another child to think of," I say and she grabs my hand and rubs it gently.

"Well you know I am here if you need to talk I will always be your Amica," she says and I hug her. I then say a quick goodbye as I rise and walk to the restroom. I enter the stall and do my business something that I have to do nearly every five minutes. Once I'm finished I wash my hands and exit the bathroom. As I am walking back to the party someone grabs my arm and pulls me into a dark room as they put there hand over my mouth.

I try to struggle and scream but it's pointless. It's then I feel a sharp knife against my throat. They push it further into my skin and I feel the blood begin to trickle down my neck and disappear into the neckline of my dress.

"You will tell your husband he will sign over his empire to me or next time I will cut you up and send you and your bambino to him in pieces if he does not I will get you again and I will make you and this whole family suffer but I will leave this as a reminder Sorella" He says and begins to cut in to my skin.

I cry out in pain as he drops me to the floor. I clutch my neck as blood drips through my hands on to the floor. I crawl to the door and I manage to open it. As I do I watch as Luca walks past taking with Mr Delongi. "Luca" I shout and he turns to look at me before everything turns black.


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