Ties that bind us

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I am Luca Ricci and I will be taking over the north side mafia from my father the day I get married. When I found out I had to be married before I could take over it made me angry. I was angry at my father and I was angry at this stupid contract that our grandfathers put in place. I was happy with my life if I needed to fuck I had a various woman at my disposal but now I will be stuck with this one for the rest of my life much to my disapproval.

I had my brother and right-hand man Dante check up on her and get some photographs at least she is beautiful that's for sure as I'd never married an ugly wife. Today we have a meeting with her father because we have to both sign the contract that ties us together until death claims one of us. I can assure you it won't be me who dies first let's just hope she can handle the life I am about to bless her with.

We pull up to there extravagant mansion nothing as fancy as we own I'd say. We exit the limousine me my father Dante and Fedele. We walk up to the house and my father presses the bell. The maid answers and tells us to come in and that Mr and Mrs Russo is waiting in his office. We walk over and my father enters without knocking when we enter the office I see Mr and Mrs Russo is sitting by his desk and who I presume is Bella sitting on the sofa that is beside the bookcases.

Mr Russo stands and walks around to greet us. "So nice of you to join us, Mr Ricci," he says to my father as he shakes hands with him. "Well we don't have much time so let's get this signed" my father says and Mr Russo just nods. He walks over to his desk picks up the piece of paper and hands it to my father. My father looks over it before handing it to me so I can read it.

It states that neither one of us must cheat on the other or it will end in death. It also says that we must share everything including money. It says that we must also produce an heir to the throne within one year. I look it over and my temper begins to rise at each line I read. This is ridiculous but I nod my head and hand it back to my father.

"Well, Luca If you sign here," Mr Russo says and I walk over and sign where he asked me to. "Bella please come and sign," he says to his daughter and I watch as she walks over and signs it. I can see she is upset and that she is about to cry any minute now so I decided why not make it worse and add fuel to the fire.

I walk over to her and wrap her into my arms. She goes still before embracing me. I move my lips to her ear and she shivers. "This is about to be your worst nightmare," I say and she pulls away from me abruptly before turning and running out.

"I'm very sorry about that Luca she is trying to get used to the idea but it's proving difficult for her but we promise she will be ready for the wedding," Mrs Russo says.

"She better be we need this alliance for the famiglia's to bring them together now we must leave we have a business to attend to," My father says and we all turn and walk out. As I'm walking out I turn to see her standing on the staircase looking at me. Tears are running down her cheeks and I smirk at her before walking out.


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