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Today is my due date and there is still no sign of this baby. We have tried everything from raspberry tea to bouncing on a ball. Luca is very excited for the arrival of his son as am I.

I was shocked to find out we were having a boy as all my symptoms lead me to believe it was a girl. Luca's mother performed all these old fashioned tales on me and they also led us to believe it was a girl.

I guess you can never trust anything until you see if for your self on your ultrasound or when your child is born. Luca has been very stressed out these last months as he is still to find the person responsible for putting a hit on me.

Not only that but they have also tried to ruin many of his businesses. There have been fires police raids and many more things happening as of recent. It is making me think they are trying to cause us extra stress as they know our child will be due soon.

I am in the main room with Mrs Ricci Angelina and my sisters. They have also moved in with me for a while as they do not have much to do in our family home any more now that our parents are gone and my brothers are busy with the mafia business.

We are packing my hospital bag along with the baby bag. We still haven't chosen a name as we cannot agree on anything and we decided to choose a name once we see him. I decided on my mother in law and my husband as my birthing partners as neither of my sisters is married and they don't need to know or see about these things until they have married themselves.

I have noticed that my sister Aryana has taken a liking to Luca's brother Dante. Although she denies it I know she admires him and I know he also admires her. I see the looks they give each other and I can only hope that now our parents aren't here that my sisters will get the privilege I didn't. I hope they will marry the one they love instead of being forced into a marriage. Even though mines turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me as we worked things out and made a life for our self it doesn't mean other arranged marriages will.

As we finish packing my bags Luca walks in and what I see horrifies me. He has covered in blood something that is happening to much recently. He looks at me and walks straight past me to the stairs and walks up to them. I follow behind him and it takes me to the shower.

He strips off and I take his suit and place it in the laundry. He steps inside and I undress and join him. I help him wash the blood and I gently massage his shoulders. He is trying so hard to be the king he needs to be. To be the boss he needs to be. To be the man he always dreamed and wished he would be. I see him like that but right now he is doubting his self as he can't find the culprit behind our troubles.

"Are you okay Luca?" I ask.

"I am fine Bella it has just been s stressful day I am sorry you had to see that it won't happen again," He says.

"Do not apologise when there is no reason to remember I accept all of you the good and the bad as does your son?" I say placing his had on my large stomach.

He leans down on his knees and kisses my stomach. He then kisses his way up to my lips and we exit the shower. As we're walking to the bed something gushes out of me. I look down at the wet floor and I realise it's what I have been reading about. It's my water it has broken.

"What is happening? Are you okay why are you leaking water?" Luca days panicking.

"My water has broken Luca quickly get me some clothes we need to go to the hospital," I say as I begin to get sharp pains in my lower back and abdomen.


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