Unpleasant encounter

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As we get in to Luca's Mercedes the grey clouds cover the sky and the rain drops start to fall. The sky kind of measures up my life right now because one minute it's sunshine and rainbows and the next it's a grey disaster. So much has changed in the last week it has left me with many different emotions.

I know Luca is a monster. But he is a monster that shows me kindness even if it is just for a moment. I have heard of how he is unpleasant and down right rude and evil to others and although he can be the same with me I also see a different side to him. A side I hope I can explore more because after all we are stuck in this marriage and I know I have to make it work.

We drive to another extravagant mansion and as we pull up to the front of the home I look around seeing many men and woman dressed in suits and dresses similar to me and Luca. I thought this would be a small business lunch but I'm guessing not. Luca exits the car and comes around to my side of the car opening the door. He gives me his hand and I step out with my purse in hand. He kisses my cheek and pulls away looking me over. "You look beautiful tonight bambino," he says and I blush.

"As do you Luca" I say as we walk inside. We walk in through the all dark marble entrance through to the front room. Everyone is standing around talking and Luca walks over to a man standing with a very beautiful woman. They turn to look at us and I expect her to be one of those stuck up mafia wife's but she surprises me when she introduces her self and gives me a smile.

"Hello my name is Maria you look beautiful tonight you must be Bella I have heard so much about you?" She says.

I smile. "Thank you and yes I am Bella I hope all you heard was good?"

"Of course, of course, Luca's mother is best friends with mine so my mother has been singing your praises would you like to get a drink and let them talk business?"

I nod and we walk away after saying a quick good bye to her husband Mateo and Luca. We walk over to a small table and sit down as Maria calls over a waitress. She grabs two champagne flutes and she hands me one. I take a small sip and it calms my nervous stomach a little.

"Are you nervous?" Marie asks and I nod.

"Don't worry Bella I was nervous for my first ever business event when I married Mateo you will get used to it I promise they are boring any way with older lady's backbiting each other and men fighting over two things money and power but now I have you it isn't so boring" she says with a wink.

"Well, I am happy to have met you I don't have any real friends so I am glad," I say that with a feeling of pity for my self hating my father for never letting me have any friends.

"I know how it is strict parents and not being allowed to breathe but you will have a little more freedom being married I promise," She says happily.

Before I can reply I turn to see Luca. He is standing talking to the woman that was at the house his mistress. They are talking closely and she reaches out and brushes his arm. He brushes her of before turning and looking at me as does she. I get up give Maria a smile and walk towards the restrooms needing some time to myself as the tears threaten to fall.


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